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2024-Oct-3 Attached here is some of the Dr. Harte letters from the inital one on July 3, 1961 to October 2, 1968. July 3, 1961 I was age 15, living in Brentwood, MO, St. Louis County, MO. This time was approximately 1 year from when I spent one month in Jewish Hospital, St. Louis.  This summer of July 1961 I was staying at Ranch Roy-L near Jonesboro, MO. a small farming town (at that time) and Ranch Roy-L was an Angus cattle ranch approximately 2 to 3000 acres. The owner was a Roy Longstreet, who had a commodity investment office in Clayton, Missouri which adjoined Brentwood. This commodity investment house was the largest of its kind in the United States.  Roy Longstreet

Roy Longstreet

Tomorrow (now today, 1:50am) I will position the photo, etc., And float the text, etc. as done with magazines. Roy Longstreet was, for me, a really great guy.  I think he had 5 sons.  I know one of them was killed at the RR crossing as you go into a small town, perhaps Jonesboro.  I will go into more detail after I get more rest.  But I still have photo of me that summer on top of quarter horse, paint, in front of the large barn as you drive up to the ranch proper.  On the ranch is the large painted sign, Ranch Roy-L/

He sure was a decent man and you can see it in his face.  The next year Mr. Longstreet had open a camp for old boys in some deep forested woods and rather hilly.  I see it all in my vision but late as it is I will describe more tomorrow. This camp Mr. Longstreet put his heart into. One thing all of us boys at the large ranch and the new camp (I attended both years) noticed and spoke of was that he, Mr. Longstreet was a kind man. Many people are "alright."


For a young person to focus on another person, one very much older than himself - and to specify KINDNESS as the attribute he most remembers (and I was not the only one who said this) about a person - you know I am talking about a memory 61 years ago. I can only think of just a few people in my long life whom it is that I remember most with that one word, KINDNESS - and I think to myself that if anyone remembers me 61 years from now - it will be with that word, KINDNESS - that I am remembered most for, even with my flaws, mistakes, and misjudgements.  

Another whom I put in my memorabilia  box in my head is a real friend from the past, Wanza Lee, lived in St.Elmo Chattanooga about a mile from me with his British wife and best I remember they had one child. And he worked for the city.  And I came to live with myself, to accept myself one winter day, for sure it was right cold, and we were talking and he had a fire going and I was talking in my abstract way about a few things what was still nawing away at me. And he pops up and sais to me "Look Nenad, there ain't noboddy what's not done something what they wish they ought not to have done."


It took me a while to grasp what he had just said.  But it stayed with me like what Roy Longstreet did for me also. It stayed with me, and now that be 43 years ago. And I guess I'll be a memory to someone too just a little ways down the track. I've always seen life like us riding the train and hearing the thund thud thud the steel wheels make. And at least about 30 years ago I wrote Joy Banerjee, another great friend in India - that we are all on the train of life, going down the track. And we each gotta get off the train at the station our life has set for us.  And I wrote to him saying, "I think that as the train pulls out onto the main track and heads for the mountain far into the distance, we can hope that maybe if just one or two of the other passengers still on their trip to somewhere - remember us just enough to take a minutes time to lean out the window of the train and wave a gentle good-by to me - life with all its toils and troubles will still have been worth living.

Life's Railway to Heaven    And Bury me NOT on the lone prairie



Letters from Dr. Harte, MD (Child Psychiatry)1961 thru 1968


Commentary will be "floated" to the right of the letter page.

Letters from Dr. Harte, MD (Child Psychiatry)1961 thru 1968

1965-Nov-11 (Dr Harte from Kansas City, MO. Psychiatric Clinic) 1 of 1 pg

1966-Feb-10 (Dr Harte from Kansas City, MO. Psychiatric Clinic) 1 of 2 pgs

1966-Feb-10 (Dr Harte from Kansas City, MO. Psychiatric Clinic) 2 of 2 pgs

1967-March-23 (from Hotel Windsor Park, Washington, DC. Medical Convention) 1 of 5pgs

1967-March-23 (from Hotel Windsor Park, Washington, DC. Medical Convention) 2 of 5pgs


1967-March-23 (from Hotel Windsor Park, Washington, DC. Medical Convention) 3 of 5 pgs


1967-March-23 (from Hotel Windsor Park, Washington, DC. Medical Convention) 4 of 5 pgs

1967-March-23 (from Hotel Windsor Park, Washington, DC. Medical Convention) 5 of 5 pgs 

1967-May-8 (from Kansas City, MO, home, . . regarding my decision to continue with school) 1 of 4 pgs


1967-May-8 (Regarding why we learn to distrust people; his & my views on religion . . ) 2 of 4 pgs


1967-May-8 (Man's alienation from man, Glenn Nash discussion, ; religion an illusion - fills human needs, then heavy on psycho stuff) 3 of 4 pgs


1967-May-8 (Dr Harte into teaching med grads & admin work; last paragraph - BRILLIANT - key to resolving internal problems ) 4 of 4 pgs



1967-June-14 (bitterness is catching up with me. The WHY We learn by two ways - I learn by exploring - why the two ways) 1 of 3


1967-June-14 (learning easier if trust parents, etc. Poochie Moo. Christ, K.Marx changed world; Hitler, Stalin, tried, Mao Tse-tung is still trying)2 of 3

1967-June-14 (Humans neither good or bad; they animals. Nash might have been somewhat disturbed. ) 3 of 3




1968-Oct-2 (KC, MO, Child Psych Clinc - I'm at Univ of TN, make Dean's list twice; what it takes to succeed, A++ advice ) 1 of 3 pgs

1968-Oct-2 (My experimenting with "pot" his view; work now focused on teaching med grads & adm ) 2 of 3 pgs

1968-Oct-2 (He was raised on farm; why DAY DREAMS are important. I do all time except to eat & sleep) 3 of 3 pgs