rev 1 proof reading and corrections needed.
2022-10-27 i take issue with tucker carlson
I take issue with people such as Tucker Carlson, though indeed a good writer that he is and a very good thinker. But when he bad mouths Bill Gates over a thing which he knows nothing about, computer programming, I take issue with his quirk in thinking, which is usually sound and stable thought.
When he has said ugly things about Bill Gates "Windows" operating system (OS) series - it only shows Tucker's ignorance of what goes into computer code programing. Even the dos1.1 and dos2.0 were magnficant advancements for the time in which they were created.
I doubt Tucker even begins to know what programing is, for instance what hexidecimal or octal machine code means; or what assemler programing is and its advantages and disadvantages over either compiled programs using a compiler (logical) or programing in an interpretor. How about C++ ? You want to give it a try Tucker. I think if you took a course in "computer programing in code for dummies" you might, if you worked at it real hard, get yourself a grade of C ++ . But I could be wrong.
Aside from the bad mouthing by such medical greats as the late Rabbi Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. I prophecy that Bill Gates will go down in history as the 2nd Gutenburg - who changed the world forever and in a good way.
By his creations and his work efforts and his willingness to bet the farm on his vision, millions and millions of jobs have been created throughout the world. And the harmonics generated from Gates work have resulted in major advances in medical technology and all fields of science.
Could you have done better?
Today's young generation will little note nor long remember, or probably even care whether they do or dont - that world before the microprocessor and its critical but essential software written for these microprocessors by those such as Bill Gates and his teams which enabled the microprocessors to do its thing.
In conclusion I end with this refrain,
Byte Me Tucker.
rev 0 2022-10-27 1700hrs
I am sure that you will notice on the easel board, the poster with the heading saying Human Vocal Tract. Do you have any idea what the microprocessor and the software that enabled it - and the advanced programs such as operating systems by Microsoft and Apple have done for education - not to even being to mention medicine technology.
In the picture, Robby the Robot is teaching fundamentals of human vocal tract and therefore by extension - speech. And Robby is being managed by microprocessor technology and the necessary software - again, which we can thank people such as Bill Gates and his team and Steve Jobs and the teams of software programmers at Apple.
And, as a personal example, in 1976 when this magazine was published - Robby the Robart is doing the teaching. But now, by way of illustration, and not to be bragging for that is not my way, for about six months now I have been studying the anatomy of the human heart, more specifically the electrical systems - not to become a medical doctor (too many years of schooling for me - too much grind and hard work) but so that I can read the electrocardiogram which gives us an almost real-time snap shot of the heart condition and health.
Here is the point - once again, which I attribute to the pioneers of the 1970s for its development - the creation of HUMAN FRIENDLY operating systems, OS. And I use Windows 10 to go to youtube.com and there I find hundreds of videos providing me with detailed information on both the heart anatomy and how to read the wave forms produced by the heart and recorded by EKG devce - also now packed with microprocessor technology and made useful by the proper software.
And here is another blessing come down to the engineering student who in the past had to languish in studying such courses as differential equations, and partial differential eqations.
Here Tucker, take a dose of what that means:
In mathematics, a partial differential equation is an equation which imposes relations between the various partial derivatives of a multivariable function. The function is often thought of as an "unknown" to be solved for, similarly to how x is thought of as an unknown number to be solved for in an algebraic equation like x² − 3x + 2 = 0. Wikipedia. You do understand don't you Tucker? But if not - you would if you used the resources such as is now available with youtube.com and other sources - to learn the subject - step by step. I have not a doubt in my mind that you could do it.
In my time in the late 1960s and mid 1970s every engineering student had to get a heavy dose of such stuff if he wanted a diploma in his chosen field. And all we had to use that was of a high tech nature was the slippery slide rule. It was tough go for most of us. Back then it was you who had to figure it out from the text book assigned and with some help from the lectures - or you were sunk. And usually the class room assigned text book was not enough to grasp the material - frankly in most of the technical subjects - at least it was so for me. That meant spending lots of time in the library to solve problems given in other books.
But that has all changed now, thanks to people such as Bill Gats and the other teams who contributed to the success of both the hardware and the software that today's students more or less take for granted.
I mean, Tucker, you or one of your children can go to https://www.khanacademy.org/ and take complete courses in just about any area you can think of - whether it be biology and how the mitocondria does its thing in about every cell in the body - and all the way to complete nursing courses - and complete subjects such as algebra I and II and many, there are many, courses for young children too.
And who helped fund Khan Academy (which is still free). Bill Gates! And there were others too. Accuse Bill Gates of wanting to thin out the world's population with a vial vaccine? Rubbish and more rubbish I say. That is not what is causing that current dilema. It is that always haste makes waste and creates many mistakes.
I don't cry for Argentina - I cry for me because I will not be around to start all over with my education and be able to utilize what is offered to students today - and we can thank people such as Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Jobs of Apple, and there were others, to have made this all possible.
Tucker, I am optomistic for your kid's future. Optomistic for the future? But Why? Because I have witnessed in my lifetime what good men, (let men=woman=generic term for human being) can do when they focus on the betterment of our fellow citizens of this world and not be focused on the weapons of war and killing and death.
I am optomistic for the future of all the children of our world that the dark coulds hovering over our world today - will be pushed aside by the good men of this earth - and the Light of the Eternal God of the Heavens Above will illuminate the hearts of all His people of His Earth.
By the way, I followed the request of a small country Baptist church in my county in Kentucky to create for them a website - I learned to create the website and the website programing, html5 and css3 by way of the youtube.com courses. And my, my, what a rich source of knowledge and lessons and information there is on Googlegrad - just there for the your copy and paste efforts. Have a syntax problem with the code? Take it to google - in hopes they will not track you too much. And there are other search engines too.
I don't mind googlegrad or youtube's censorious addiction. Sad to say, however, they are hurting their own business model and losing their very credibility which had made them No. 1, or to say it in Japanese, Ichiban! And they in their self-inflicted denial - don't see it.
But the great medical research scientists such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Chris Martenson, Ph.D, Pathology & Toxicology, and there are many others too, who have left youtube and googlegrad for better places which are free of your censorium addiction .
Just what have they accomplished? by hidding differnt views on serious medical issues? They have, by their Soviet style policies - created Substack and Rumble and Bitchute and the list keeps expanding - and for what? Thinking that they are smarter and wiser than these accomplished men of medical science - thinking they are "protecting the public from misinformation". They are living in a self-imposed state of delusional thinking and they do not seem to know it.
When the general public learns the full truth - when the accumulating data creates growth curve and projections that can no longer be squelched by them and the few others - they will have to find some business crutches and plenty of excuses that the public will buy into.
But once you have told a lie too many times to a person - when you then decide to tell the truth - your truth is most often not believed. It is better to tell the truth the first time than to tell a thousand times and then some that you did not mean to lie. Couch it in whatever way you chose - you become the loser in the end. By your fruits, your actions, are known.
What is the solution, what is the remedy?
As is taught in the
The Holy Koran
I shall quote
(English Translaton N.J. Dawood)
THE MERCIFULPraise be to God, Lord of the Universe,
The Compassionate, the Merciful,
Soverign of the Day of Judgement!
You Alone We Worship, and to You alone
we turn for help.
Guide us to the straight path,
The path of those whom You have favoured,
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.
Thouhts and Teaching from the Prophet Muhammad, as written in The Holy Koran
Go here to see the list of these and much more and get your self an education in the tools of the high tech world.
start div here
And does all of this seem to discourage you? Listen to this gentleman:
https://youtu.be/Q4YHcEiCqAA He is saying, If I can do it so can you
https://youtu.be/1zUi8fgqOGY It looks horrible doesn't it.
This isn't any more comforting. You may not remember it, but ask your parents this, how many times did I stumble and fall when you were teaching me how to walk? Did your mother or father leave you there laying in the floor to figure out how to get up by yourself? They helped you. Though you might not remember.
Do you remember when you first learned how to ride a bike. You never fell or perhaps a friend helped to keep you from falling. Other people DO help us to walk along the path of our journey through life. They really do. We just tend to forget these helping hands as we grow up. We forget also how many helping hands did help us. But there comes a time when YOU must jump the hurdles that seem to block your path. And perhaps the first few times you tried to jump over the hurdle you fell down. But then what did you do? You got up! and began again.
Friend. We get our strength in life NOT BY AVOIDING THE OBSTACLES IN LIFE THAT SEEM TO GET IN OUR WAY FROM TIME TO TIME. Our strength comes from overcoming the obstacles we meet along the way. WE SHALL OVERCOME when we DO NOT GIVE UP. You want to tackle science and engineering, all that heavy math science? You can do it. But remember,in learning new and complicated things we must take it step by step. Small steps lead to big successes in life. Remember this saying that is taught to new law students. It is called the 5 P's to Success. Remember this saying and you WILL SUCCEED.
And here is another blessing come down to the engineering student who in the past had to languish in studying such courses as differential equations, and partial differential euqations.
Here Tucker, take a dose of what that means: In mathematics, a partial differential equation is an equation which imposes relations between the various partial derivatives of a multivariable function. The function is often thought of as an "unknown" to be solved for, similarly to how x is thought of as an unknown number to be solved for in an algebraic equation like x² − 3x + 2 = 0. Wikipedia. Got it Tucker?
I mean, Tucker, you or one of your children can go to https://www.khanacademy.org/math and take complete courses in just about any area you can think of - whether it be biology and how the mitoconria does its thing in about every cell in the body - complete nursing courses - and complete subjects such as algebra I and II and many, there are many, courses for young children too. And who helped fund Khan Academy (which is still free). Bill Gates! And there were others too. Accuse Bill Gates of wanting to thin out the world's population with a vial vaccine? Rubbish and more rubbish.

This is just a few samples of hundreds of study videos just dealing with electrical problems with the heart. And it is all free for the aspiring student who wants to give it a try and won't give up just because he fails from time to time. Listen below what four star general, Colin Powell has to say about failure.
There exists in Youtube.com hudreds of such videos dealing with virtually every aspect of medical knowledge, both anatomy, how things work, and treatment. And there is no cost to the visitor. The extent of your learning is really a funciton of how much effort you put into your study of this available material. How tenacious are you, the student? Are you a pit bull, a bull dog who won't let go until you have learned the material, or do you see yourself as a failure?
Friends. As a child and teenager - I was a complete failure, in school, athletically, and in near most everything else it seemed. I thought for a long time that there was no hope. That I was just not smart enough to make it. But through it all I learned this one lesson that has stood me well ever since.

It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all
Above in the picture you see above, this is Colin Powell, four star general, Chairman of the Chief of Staff, who advise the President on military matters. Then Secretary of State of the United States.
He started out life in Harlem, NY. He stumbled and fell many times. But he never gave up. He never stopped believeing in Himself and that he CAN make it if he keeps on trying. Read above what he has to say in conclusion to the whole matter .
What I too say is "Success Through Failure."when you keep trying. It's Been Worth Every Mile
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