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Most of what follows I wrote about two years ago, mostly a brain dump. I think the only part worth keeping is the Ranch Roy-L and about Mrs Price. It turns out that Roy Longstreet was one of the country's most prominent investors and very wealthy himself. He himself was a very decent man, I think I can turn the Ranch Roy-L two long summer months into a good learning story

I owe Mrs Price a great deal of gratitude. I was attending the Scarsdale School in Westchester County, NY, a very expensive school which once again it was Janey who was footing the bill. I was in the fourth grade but really I should have been in the secnd or third because the teacher with the cocker spaniel dog who taught the 4th grade tried and tried to teach me how to write the various alphabet characters but as I had never had any previous schooling I just didn't know how to form the letters.

There are some good points to make in the story but more very sad as I did not last (they asked Janey to remove me because of unable to do the work) and that hit me very hard. It all comes back to me as a movie on film. Which is why it takes me so long. It is difficult to relive the past. Perhaps I shouldn't. But I have been up all night and it is now April 15 and I have to get the taxes taken care of.
Return to Sender

Begin now extensive text. This block of text is NOT enclosed in any DIV

(And remember also to include how we traveled to different such schools throughout the region.  And the one which I still remember - was more of a ranch with horses and cattle. And the director of this school talked with me some and said that their home (he did not call it a school) focused on development of the "student" - he did not say "child" and that I would be going to the local public school, that they they took their boys to the school and picked them up after school. And that then the boys got to play some, ride the horse which was assigned to them, and then there was some time for soccer games before we cleaned up for dinner. Then after the meal we all gathered into the study halls (they were arranged by age/grade) and we would take two hours to study and that they, he and their counselors would be there to help and tutor us.

I did like the sound of it, especially the horses. Because I already knew how to ride horses and quite well I will add. Because when we lived in Manhattan I got to take riding lesson but these riding methods was the "English style" where we learned how to "post". Many years later I learned what what REAL MEN do when riding a horse. They ride "western style!" and they learn to barrel race and coral orinary cattle and many other such things. This was when I spent two whole long summers at Ranch Roy-L near Jonesboro, MO. The place was huge, several thousands of acres which as many cattle. And each boy was also assigned "a horse." We each also had "duties" and one of mine was to go to the large concrete outdoor floor where I leaned to "turn the seed over" in row after row to allow the sunshine to dry the seeds. And I got to those barns and returned by the horse I ahd been "assigned," I will add a photo I have kept with me on my horse in front of a large barn. 

Back to the ranch-school. I kind of liked the idea - especially the activities that I would have after scool. This time was when I around 12 and I really didn't care one way of another about the school part. By then I could read some. But all the other school stuff just didn't interest me. Ruth then asked, "What do you think (me)" I replied, raising my shoulders just a bit, "I don know, I don't really know as I want to go to a public school, and I be having to sleep in a large dormatory." [The dormatory part had reminded me of Australia. When we first landed there we all slept in long tents. For a long time. When I was moved to another city and "home, camp, whatever, I moved up in status for the slept in a large quick built building. But it didn't have any "bathroom" or lighting. And the actual beds were so few and it was two to a bed. Heads were on either opposite ends of the mattress where some did have. Others for quite a while it was something like plywood. But that was the way it was. And it was better than the tents.

So Ruth said, "I think you are right. Let's go and look some more." The director of the place then said, "Well, OK. But I think Mrs. Downing you should think it over, perhaps come again and look some more and let him (me) get better acquainted with our facilities. I think we can help the boys with their learning problems." What the director was alluding to was that he and Ruth had earlier long conversations over the phone regarding the school and my situation. It wasn't like we were walking along 5th avenue window shopping.

The next school we visited was near the big university. I forgot the specific name of this prep school but it was near Princeton University. At this scool I was first to take some tests to see if I would "fit in." There was no "looking around" until those tests were taken. So, I was escorted to a small room and then a person came and handed me each test to take. They were timed. Then when I had finished I went to the main waiting room where Ruth was sitting on a chair. Then after about an hour had lapsed the school "administrator" came into the room. He was very polite but also very to the point.

Miss Downing, I have to tell you blunty that Nenad has little chance of succeeding at our school. We focus on rigorous academic work and Nenad is just too far behind in his education level to possibly catch up here. {Important memory recalled. See on down page}You would be spending a lot of money for nothing. So, we just cannot accept him as a student. I'm sorry."

2023-feb-22 ** See double stars section just a way down.


I am blessed by the Creator with a great memory. When I look into my mind to recall a memory or time it is like watching a movie go by. I literally see and hear the events go by. I see the people as they were back then. I hear the sounds of the time and the colors. That is also why I often jump from subject to subject or topic to topic. It is that I am following the flow of a river. I have always supposed this is how most everyone recalls the past. In this case I will indent because I don't want to lose my place, But I want to show you what I mean. I don't want you to be left dangling in where you are in the story.

Before I start I looked up the word 'dangling' becasue I wanted to be sure I was using the word correctly. Quickly the memory of hearing "dangling modifier" came to my mind. To tell you the truth, I still don't know what the hell an "adverbial clause is" or "sentence fragment is" or what any other of that English grammar stuff means. To me English grammar is as loathsome as statistics: disgusting stuff. It is not that I hate grammar per se, rather it is the English that I loath. The Russian grammar I do not mind even though it is a little more awakward, difficult to learn. But WHY you ask. What's the difference? Here is the difference. The Russian does not lie. The English DO, through their constant changing of the rules. Because the English is RULE BASED but rule based with a universe of exceptions to the rule. When I landed upon the soil of San Francisco on my flight from Australia the very first thing my Serbian mother, Radja, said to me was,

"My son, beware the beasts in America.They are everwhere. America is a land with plenty of bull for everyone. But when they tell you that YOU must follow the rules - they mean YOU my son, not THEM must follow the rules in this rule based society of theirs."

"But mother dear ..." I asked somewhat confused. "What on earth do you mean?"

"My son, my son, YOU are the SHEEP of this land - to be sheared by THEM whenever they want more than they need"

"Oh, mother, do you mean like what's in the land of Australia where they shear the sheep all the time?"- the place of the stop-over before going to a better place - coming here to America?" .

"Da my son, da. The THEM is what is called by them -THE POLITICAL CLASS and by those that live in the great white man's house."

"THEM, THE POLITICAL CLASS! LIVING IN THE BIG WHITE MAN'S HOUSE. Jakofs dobro, Jakofs dobro, mother. Ya ponimayu, Thank you mother, spasibo!" I replied in joy WITH my best Serbo-Russian.

"My son, my special son, no, no. DA to their politicians and them living in the white man's house. They are the Jakofs. But the rest of them are bleating sheep, crying because they are always being sheared. Now son, go find you the toilet."

"But where mother shall I look?"

"Everywhere my son, go where-ever you want. This is San Francisco. Land of the free to go whereever you find the need."

And the historian says, today, 2023, when when arrive in San Francisco from other lands, before you touch the soil of America with your feet, you are handed a pair of galoshes to be paid first and in rubles - less the night soil of America spoil your trip and cause you to be disappointed by the sights and the smell of the land of the free and not want to come back.








**  Back on topic. And this is important to how things turned out for me. A lesson I have always followed throughout my life is 1. Recognize good advice from those you can trust. 2. Follow that advice unless you know and understand the subject at hand better than the person giving the advice. Becasue of that recognition you CAN trust the advice given by this person and it behooves you to follow his advice.


** 2023-feb-22 what i am going to elaborate on here is that the dept. of engineering asked me to stay over for a while after the acts test were completed. I did and then he came out to see me. He said that I had done very well indeed in ALL the act sections BUT the math. I had done poorly in that area. He said my overall score becaues of the high levels in the other subjects was enought for me to be accepted into Tennessee Tech. But he said that I should be aware that Tennessee Tech was much more demanding on the engineering and math courses and that I should seriously consider perhaps chosing University of Tennessee. He allowed that after all because I was living in Memphis I could go to the Martin branch of UT which was only about 70 miles away. He said I would find UT not as tough in the math section. Now Tennesse Tech was like Georgia Tech, a high reputation for excellence in engineering. I figured he had no reason to go out of his way to deceive me. As I have stipulated above - you must make an assessment of the person who is making a recommendation of a thing you ought to do. And to be truly objectie you must remove your FEELINGS when deciding. I said to myself, he has no reason to be trying to steer me wrong. I followed his advice. Interestingly, in my 30 year career in engineering NO ONE ever asked me what my grade point average was. Even during the work interviewing process. So one of my purposes in writing my autobiography is for young people, you might say age from about 14 on up - showing them how I made it from being a flop to making a real good paying job for 30 years plus. SO THE LESSON IS: LEARN TO JUDGE PEOPLE AND ALWAYS ASK YOURSELF WHEN SOMEONE MAKE OUT LIKE HE WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND. WHAT IS THE BASIS OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ME, WHAT AM I TO HIM. WHAT HAS HE TO GAIN BY "BEING FRIENDS."AND REMEMBER THE OLD BROOK BENTON SONG, FOOLS RUSH IN WHERE ANGLES FEAR TO TREAD And you will make out alright.




- Why too, did a medical doctor and psychiatrist, Janey, and a psychiatric social worker and researcher who had already established her credentials with her work and position as deputy director for refugee resettlement in Europe with CWS (World Council of Churches) and, I believe as one new paper clipping denotes is so, also deputy director with WCC (photos will be included as this all developes) - . . . why did they enroll a child with obvious learning deficiencies in prestigeous Scarlsdale School? Where I also soon got the bounce. But I will never forget the kindness of one teacher, Mrs. Price who, how can I put it, was a mother to me when I had never known one.

When I had got my driver license (16) and Ruth had to attend some conference in Manhattan, I asked that we might go by way of Virginia Beach where Mrs Price and her husband had retired; and to show her some of my paintings. One of them she said reminded her of a river and the book, "There is a River" which delt with Edgar Cace, the sleeping giant. She had read that book and recommended that I too read this book.  She said that I would too would find much meaning from its reading. And Mrs. Price also added, "I also believe that there is a river which flows ..." and she shared with me some of her philosophy and reasons for her faith in God. It is all true what I say and Ruth was there and I still have the small photo of her which she gave me to keep. And I did so.

Many years later when I wrote my tribute to Master Sun Hwan Chu, in the prose "My Philosophy of Investigation, 1984, following his car accident and becoming a quadriplegic" the allusions (word used as 'indirect reference' Amercian Heritage Dictionary) I used in "...faith is a river which flows certain to the sea . . . came from that moment in time when Mrs. Price shared with me why she had hope and faith in her future and why she had a strong faith and belief in God; and why there is a river which carries us to this sea of faith - and to the light of insight and understanding.



excuse the instructional code which will be erased when I have finished with this page and posted fully at completion.

One reason I am even doing my so called autobiography in this manner is to get much more proficient at css & html web coding. Then I will plunge into JavaScript and and JQuery. These are very important to know if you want to sell what you have to offer - website development at low cost to the customer - but you make it up on the volume.

Low cost? Because as the government and the Federal Reserve BANK - The FED (which is NOT a bank for the people - BUT, truth must be told, it is the BIG TIT for the too big to fail super banks to suck on, to suck deep while you, the commoner citizen, you Joe the plumber, you George the coal miner, you the working man and woman who actually built this country to its greatness, The Once and Great Republic of the United States - plunges deeper and deeper into poverty and destitution.  And if you think this government is going to buy its way out of the crisis, print up trillions of the new confederate money - dream on my friend, dream on until reality hits your in a very personal way. The existing government's plan is to war its way out of the crisis it created in the first place. When all else fails THEY GO TO WAR EVERY TIME.

These criminals in the white man's house BLEW UP THE MAIN SUPPLY ENERGY TO GERMANY (THEIR PAL, MIND YOU, THEIR ALLY) and most of the rest of Europe. And they are ALL paying dearly, these friends and allies of the United States (ha ha ha - united? BS) in HUGE INFLATION INCREASES IN EVERY THING you must have to SURVIVE. You ain't seen nothing yet partner. Just you wait and see.  Then when you do see the truth - it will be too late for you to do anything about it. Oh, and by the way. Here is another bit of lying that the guy in the white man's house is telling you and also his echo pieces in the congress - his puppet mouth pieces - and constantly yelled out by your main stream media new sources, both print and TV and cable TV. You never hear them not keep yelling this and that is an EXISTENTIAL THREAT.

Do you know what that word actually means? Here for you boys and girls in LA's public school system who I hope always wear their galoshes when they walk to school. That stuff they might walk or slip and slide into - if they do it might just give them a dose of Typhoid, in case you didn't know. The stuff is called, well the main stream media and guy in the white man's house and his blow-hards in the congress call it excrement.  But a better word to describe it is human waste. But I'll clue you in folks. The guy in the white man's house and all his lackeys (his servile follows who always rush to clean up their masters chamber pot on time) think you're the piece of human waste - you the working man and woman, you the Joe Plumbers and the Coal miners of this country; the undesirable ones.

What's big white boss man's plan for you?

Well let's tell the first truth. EXISTENTIALISM is a PHILOSPHY first developed and taught by the French philosophy Jean Paul Sarte (1905-1980 who got him a Nobel prize for writing his stuff. OK. Now you never hear from the main stream media [MSM} (the total of which are owned for profit by just a few big big mega companies) TV, Cable TV, all type of news print - the DEFINITION OF "EXISTENTIAL." That is because the MSM wants to keep you in a cloud of ignorance.  Why? Because the MSM biggest concern above all others is to MAXIMIZE PROFITS! their profits. It is a natural human tendency to turn OFF bad news. They've got to give it to you in SMALL DOSES otherwise they will TURN YOU OFF and you will TURN THEM OFF.

An EXISTENTIAL EVENT is a SURVIVAL EVENT. And this includes a real and possible EXTINCTION EVENT. An extinction event is what many scientist types believe happened to the mighty dinosaurs of very ancient times (and that too is a guess, that their extinction was many many millions of years ago.) But who really cares what actually happened to the dinosaurs long ago. It is enough to know that they died. Suddely? Who really knows. By a comet? Who really knows? Who cares anyway at times like this. I don't put a question mark at the end of that sentence because you shouldn't care.  Because the question to be really concerned about is: will you and your family survive what is rapidly coming toward you, like a great tsunami.

Listen carefully folks. Many people critize Wikipedia as a source and reference for information. Probably it wouldn't be accepted for a Master thesis or doctorate dissertation. So what. As a source for quick and generally reliable and also, important, easy reading, I don't think it can be beaten by any comparable source on the internet. So here you go.


There you have it.

The guy in the white man's house and his band of jolly war making men - want more than anything a war with Russia and China. First they want to rub out Russia as Russia is the greater nuclear retaliatory threat. Rub out Russia then the next target and victim is to be China.

Why? How come?

Because Russia and China are the real threat to the United States Industrial and Military Machine and its (the United States)  continued world control and dominance of the financial and global system. The United States has since just before the end of World War II controlled all significant TRADE between all the nations of the world except for a while, the Soviet Union and its Satellites and China. But because the U.S. pulled all the strings of the rest of the worlds counries, their puppets, the United States was able to severly limit what trade, such as buy and sell from/to other nations that China and Soviet Union could not do.

Just as you see one mongrol mut dog will smell ass of the bigger dominant dog (thereby establishing who will dominate whom, whose the real big dog) the United States essentially forced all the other countries to smell its ass before doing any trade with anyone whom it (US) might not like. 

For instance, some years ago, but not too many, Egypt wanted to purchase the Russian S400 anti-rocket system because of its superior and more reliable and less expensive qualities.  The guy in the white man's house, I think it was the Brown Bomber at the time, threatened Egypt with SANCTIONS if it dared to buy that system from Russia without "Washington's approval." And what did that actually mean for Egypt, I mean, applying U.S. SANCTIONS on Egypt? 

For Syria today it means vital medicine denied to the Syrian people. It means denial of essential spare part for everything from parts necessary to keep the water treatment systems operationg (thus staving off TYPHOID and other deadly bacterial diseases) to preventing critical parts needed to repair hospital equipment, parts needed to keep the elecrical utilites operating to provide electicity - essential to survial in todays world.

And folks, consider this tidbit of truth and reality. When the United States, Bill Clinton then president SANCTIONED IRAQ for dubious reasons - [and if they were not dubious reasons - was what Clinton and the U.S. policy DID DO by their SANTIONS of vital medicines, food and so on, was to cause the deaths of half a million Iraqi children - JUSTIFIED? was it JUSTIFIED. And by the way, that number of deaths of children inflicted by the United States action was the United Nation's estimate.

So, all throughout the world, the United States ruled the roost. They did it 1st. because all OIL bought and sold had to be in U.S. Dollars. Thus the U.S. never had to worry about INFLATION. They exported it to all their vassal states whom they dominated and controlled with threats, sanctions, and military attacks if the more peaceful approaches did not bring them the results they wanted.  

Then, 2nd. The U.S. shells out over 20% of the national budget (the people's money) to keep the military-industrial complex, the war machinary bigger and more powerful than all the rest of the world's military combined. Until now, that is.  A trillion dollars (and even more soon to keep up with inflation that they have caused) has for this year been set aside for the war machine. Meanwhile millions and millions of Ameican citizens, huge numers of which are our Veterans, are kept homeless, unemployed because all the good jobs including the millions of factory job that went to other low labor cost countries such as China, Vietnam, Malaysia. Mexico and many more - so that the Ruling Class of this country, the Billionares, the Millionares AND MOST  of the POLITICIANS in Washington DC and ofcourse the keepers of the leash that keep these rabid dogs in their proper place, the mongrels who live and work in the white man's kennel clubs - could make even more money. Like rabid mad dogs which can never quench their thirst because they are rabid dogs - their real thirst is for more and more money and POWER. It never end. Up to now.

UP TO NOW? WHY? Becasue not too long ago a real EXISTENTIAL EVENT DID OCCUR. A real survival event took place.  But who was going to survive and survive what, and who was going to DIE, and in what manner? {Put a whom where ever you want.}

This is what happened and it was "revealed" by a fomer KGB operative who it seemes still maintains ''back channels" to important peope. And as this KGB operative disclosed on a Russian Chat Room now everyone in the world but the American's who get their news source from the MSM knows what happened in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That event WILL change everything, it WILL affect you directly!

The guy in the white man's house - seems he run out of enough oil to lubricate the votes in the coming mid-term elections. It was costing too much for his potential voters. So he says to himself, "I knows what I'll do. I'll get me to Saudi Arabia and put a little muscle on the big guy that runs the place. I'll tell him he better pump up the oil big time or else he get himself sanctioned. That's what I'll do, by golly by gum drops." 

So the guy that lives in the white man's big house flies to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He gets a respectul greeting for a The Big Guy wears a genuine war bonnet, feathers and all. The Big Guy goes into the castle and rubs hands with the Big Cheese himself. Then full of confidence he starts to say "I come . . ." but the Big Cheese raises his hand up and says in perfect British English, "Stop. I'll talk!  YOU WANT MY OIL - YOU SMELL MY ASS FIRST then I will think over what you want and let you

know by carrier pigeon what I will decide to do."

Then Royalty abruply left the castle.  And soon a young Saudi boy came into the room and asked the Big Guy from the white man's house, "Sir, would you like some food to eat?" The guy replied politely, "No thank you.  I'm not very hungry." Then the boy responded politely, "Perhaps sir, you would prefer a shot of Russian vodka? We have the best here you know, just for guests like you. We ourseles do not drink the stuff you know."

"Hell NO! I'm getting out of this place NOW." And in a real tizzy the guy from the white man's house rushed out of the castle leaving his secret service men running to catch up with him. And all in the big room were supprised - supprised that this old man could run so fast.

end div mythree. Start div class myfour next

(2023-Feb-20, 1:50am Nashville time, USA) I will continue with the adventures of The BIg Guy in the White Man's house " later today, But I will go ahead and post this initial first extemporaneous draft with notice of it on the index page.

What is written below, and written some hours ago, is my preparation for my Plan-B. The above is for the purpose of learning more advanced web coding through the process of DOING. And it is only when you ENJOY what you are doing, and in this case LEARNING A NEW SUBJECT - that you truly do learn. And by this process, and the KEY is that you are enjoying the learning - you DO NOT need to go to a school to learn many things. Especially if you are an adult. Vast resources are available to you becasue of the INTERNET and most of them are FREE. But my methodology of SELF-TUTORING applied also when many decades ago I entered engineering school with liminted prioer education. The method, the approach you see below is simply a visible way to show you how I did it with very limnited funds and a rather meager "head start" in education.



Gute Nacht & do svidaniya [до свидания]


Here is what the goons in the white man's house and over there those senators who yell loud and clear - "We will give UKRAINE all the money and weapons they need to fight to the last Ukrainian." And these destroyers of your future and that of your children have already shelled out over 100 billion increasingly worthlesss dollars


When I have completed by studies in html & css and then JavaXcript and JQuerry - Then I will hang out my shingle, so to speak. I will put small adds into the local "shopper" news paper fliers in all the near-by counties in this very rural area of high unemployment because of the destruction of the coal mine industry caused by the phoney political ideology called "Climate Change". Your potential customer base will NOT come rushing to you unless they know that you exist and what it is you have to offer them - does what you have to OFFER THEM fill THEIR NEEDS?


I will be updating regulary and adding new pages and revising older ones. It is only with practie, practice and more practice and your leaning becomes ingrained into your mind.  Real learning only comes about when you apply the theory to PRACTICE. As for instance, if you study algebra II you will not get a full understanding of the subject until you work large numbers of real problems, Those "WORD PROBLEMS." The same is with calulus as an example. You can solve for derivatie and integrals all day long but your real understanding will only take place when you apply them to actual word problems. The SAME is with web coding, C++, Fortran (what I had to leran and use in engineering school way back when Fortran was THE computer language you JUST HAD TO LEARN.


-2023-feb-21 next sections i am adding dives and i want to make the blocks of news links a little more attractive. so hang in there






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