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2024-sept-16a On hate

2024-Sept-16 What you see here is the start of an idea. Rather than abandon what I had started before President Biden bowed out of the running - I dedided to approach this learning activity {and that is what this is that I am doing, - that of getting a good foundation in html & css and JQuery through PRACTICE , [MS Word version  An interesting read by an accomplished American journalist seeking to find the truth  from doing, through action.  The practie of learning from DOING through an activity will do a number of things that will ENHANCE your learning and RETENTION  of what you have learned - of material that seems at first to be rather techncal and difficult subjects}.  Approach learning from a different direction.  Put away the American Charles Dickens classroom - of the 19th century and embrace the laboratory of the scientist as the model for educating the young in the 21st century.  Let me ask you the reader.

Assuming  - - - >  [also, let your fingers do the discovering for you[  ] - - - > anyone is bothering to read what I have to say - do you remember one or more of the happiest times in your life?  I mean, that immediately comes to the fore when the question is asked? 

Perhaps on your wedding day?  Or a special vacation trip to the Grand Canyons?  For me, I will always remember my two trips, each of about a month as I recall now - to India - as I wanted to visit the shrine of Sri Ramakrishna Temple at - and as providence would have it - the opportunity came, 1st visit because of work opportunity; second - to show my wife Peggy a place I had falled in love with because of the beauty of many of Indias aspects, its facets.


Now let me ask you this: Remember that time when you were filled with happiness, and not worry of things that you could do nothing about - what SENSES of yours were invoked - (and in the sense of this link, i.e.; arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, put forward, raise, stir. call forth, evoke, kick up, provoke ) that awakenen within you positive emotional feels [- by the thing that was making you happy? Yes, I am talking about the five senses of your body, vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.  Do you know one of the major functions of the limbic system in your brain?  Do pussies and puppies have a limbic system? I shall ask the Vet. Do crocodile and alligators? Have you made a pet of one lately? Cuddled up with that cute Boa constrictor?  Then again, I guess it takes all types to make us human.

Do you think perhaps she is suffering from an identity crisis?

<aside>With all this idiocy about performing sexual alterations on young children, including teens and young adults - perhaps before mutilating an innocent child or adult - you ought to read some of Erik Erickson before you have the doctor pull out his scappel.  To mutilate children or young adults with irreversable medical surgery on such specious and flimsy evidence as that being presented by people of dubious motives is criminal.  And mutilation of a child IS criminal Criminal because - up until the present time - the courts have always acted in loco parentis, guardians and advocates for a child or young adult -- not having reach his majority when health and safety of the child was at risk.  Yet, in some states of America child mutilation IS permitted by the courts.  And you wonder why.  Has this country, the United States of America sunk so low down that its courts will no longer TAKE A STAND to protect the innocent - has America become so inebriated by indifference to the sufferings of innocent fellow humans - regardless of age - that its skin is now that of the alligator and crocodile that compassion, empathy and mercy are now a common cliche  -- and the reaction to the murder, slaughter, and mutilation of tens of thousands of children and innocent adults - the reaction by senators, congressmen, president, main stream media such as CNN, ABC, etc., and ad nauseam [referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome to hear ] {Latin, ad najuseam = sickness }

CORPUS JURUS V22 (22 C.J.) EVIDENCE. 1920 A.D.  §1 pg 65 

EVIDENCE: In general, evidence broadly defined is the means from which an inference may logically be drawn as to the existence of a fact.  That which makes evident or plain.

In legal acceptation the term "evidence" includes allthe means by which any alleged matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted to investigation, is established or disproven.

While the term "evidence" is sometimes used as synonymous with "facts" the terms are not really synonymous , for [because , nc] "evidence" is limited to that which may properly be considered by court or submitted to the jury for its consideration.


Where is there one bit, one particle of evidence that child mutilation of sexual parts to effect a change in sexual identity will change the essential nature, the intrinsic identity of the child; and that no harm is done to the child in this process, whether by surgical means, drugs or attempts at aborant psychotherapy to change a childs disposition as to his sexual orientation. There is NO general acceptance by established medical authorities that mutilation of a child any means for purpose of altering its sexual functions is anything BUT quackery.  To perform such a task on a child IS malpractice of medicine when there is no legitimate evidence in support of this practice.  Likewise, to condone the practice by blessing it with legal authority from decisions of a court - absence general medical authority supporting such procedures - amounts to a criminal act by the court because the court judge decides based on his individual whim, prejuduce and a salacious mind set.

continuation fromabove:

Dakshineswar, not too far from the Hoogley River   which is not too far from Calcutta [ Kolkata with the K and the O pronounced " Kol " as in Southern Oklahoma near Atoka the cowboys say, "let us cul the cattle and keep the jucy ones for dinner later on; and the " kata " is pronounced as the same as the Japanese or Korean (North and South) karataka man prounces "I do the tekiwon kata #1 and #2 correctly earn my Shodan (1st Black Belt in Karate (Japanese) or in Tae Kwon Do { taegwondo }" [ What is Tae Kwon Do ](Korean, North or South - where tae ~ kick, foot way, kwon ~ fist, fighting hand, punch, and DO (not a medical enthuist who couldn't make it from DO to MD) but in Korean, the art of, and in Japanese and I think Chinese - DO means "the WAY" as for instance Ju and Do mean Gentle Way. Interesting isn't it!.

If I had me a school I'd spent me much more time on teaching students 1st. How to use the typewriter, 2nd. How to use the various search engines such as; duckduckgo.away, etc. and instead of boring their little cerebral cortexes I'd keep asking them questing that I figure as how they would find interesting and shove the grammar book under the teacher's desk until that time when they, the students, see that it is advantageous for THEM to learn that stuff. If you can't show them, demonstrate to them, WHY GRAMMAR MIGHT BE IMPORTANT TO THEM - such as "How does learning the grammar stuff help me make more money." Folks, to be rich indeed might be glorious. To get a good paying job in something that interests you - you might not get if you write a resume full of grammar and spelling mistakes; which might mean - you don't get to buy that Lamborghini you was hoping for when you did graduate. Hey as in Hay is for horses and good eating cows, a Lamborghini Aventador sells for ~ 66,663,969 Indian Rupees. That's 66.7E^6 So you also get to introduce scientific notation to the students at a much earlier grade level . And the students are more likely to RETAIN this new idea, "scientific notations to express large numbers" because when you are having fun, enjoying the experience of learning, etc., you bring into the learning experience EMOTION, feelings (wow I want me one of them Lamborghini Aventadors. What's that mean, 769 Horsepower? Again, early introduction of representing different forms of ENERGY, and tagging these different forms with UNITS. Watts, as in What's the matter teachers, you scarred to try someting new? Different? The biggest bottle-neck for you will be all the turkeys in the shool Administration department - and the real FEAR - BECAUSE WE FEAR WHAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND - and as a DEFENSE MECHANISM we errect BARRIERS to new information, new cultures, new languages, new abstractions such as when introducing algebra I or plain geometry. And your kids LOATH to learn such stuff (not all, but certainly too many) because WE FEAR WHAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND and what we fear is often the root cause of prejuduce. Beacuse PREJUDUCE is BASED of IGNORANCE (means to ignor, NOT means "you are stupid" but means "to hide" from what we fear. Ignorance and fear CONSTITUTE that BASIC of prejuduce. They are in many ways THE ROOT CAUSE of why we allow bigotry to dominate of thinking and actions. These two VARIABLES, i and f, and they ARE variables because they are subject to change; each variable, i and f may increase and decrease. They are DEPENDENT VARIABLES. Dependent on external factors, external to them, the student or person. We LEARN to hate; we are TAUGHT to hate. Hate of another race or person just becasue "he's not my kind of guy, etc., is ABNORMAL, hating is not the normal condition of MAN. Hate is a REACTION we experience and when kept inside of us - it comes at enourmous cost to us. Hate in us causes continuous stress to our heart - BECAUSE hate within us INVOKES FEAR - it, fear, is a REACTION to a PERCEIVED DANGER. Of course our body REACTS to hate in a FIGHT or FLIGHT resposne. And when we FEAR the UNKNOWN - the body reacts the same way - fight or flight and gets you ready to respond - eithor fight or flight - and your body pumps out the hormone Adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) and that is what makes you start to shake, you knees start to tremble, your hands start to tremble; you often thirst for water. If you continue to live with hate - it wears you down. Because even though you might now have control of your anger (a derivative of hate) that anger naws away at your innerds, especially your beating heart. An ongoing anger and hate is often the TRIGGER MECHANISM that leads to the HEART ATTACK. And you wonder THE WHY. Pochemu, почему, pochemu. Ignorance and fear are reduced when we develop INSIGHT into THE WHY we feel or act the way that we do to our external world. [ we hate another race or person or someone who seems to be "different, not to our liking or our way of thinking, our belief system - what we hold steadfast to be TRUE.

To the two candidates for the Office of President - In order to better know what each of you are truly made of - I ask of you direct answers to the following questons:

1. What is your position on the practice of using medical methods such as surgery, drugs and psychotherapy type persuasion to alter the sexual anatomy of a person under the age of majority?

1b. If you oppose anatomical alterations of sexual body parts to in essence transform the female child into a male child by attaching the appropriate necessary appendage to said child (said child being so defined when under age of majority) or vice-versa - what will you specifically do to bring necessary federal laws to stop this growning practice in the United States of America.

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1b. If you support a child's right to decide for himself [ his or her right to chose ] the above matter - will you support laws that will require the medical surgeon, drug supplier and or psychotherapist to include an express waranty to said child which includes parts of equal quality or penetrations of equal sensitivity and coefficients of friction equal to original parts - and that any said parts that are made in China will be prohibited from entry into the United States of America.

Each candidate, on the left side of the podium, the female, as of this writing being Kamala Harris - and on the right side of the podium, the male, as evidence by past performances both public and private, will not vascillate, will not equivocate but will answer each question posed to the best of thems abilities.

Sept 16, 2024 A.D. @ 2:50 am Chicago time.

Sept 16, 2024, 12:45pmChicago time.

What I write now are "thought notes" extemporaneous, uncensored as Herr Doktar Seagram Freud taught us to do in the free association process.  If it make you unhappy - If what I write make you blue, please keep your buccal cavity shut until I have the time to complete what I have to say. And bitterschon danke, bitterschon




The above gives you a general idea of what I am wanting to do.  This activity is just like painting a landscape picture or putting togeher a complicated jigsaw puzzle of complex picture.  You try to frame in the essential picture, brushing roughly in the overall picture.  Then when that is done - concentrate more on the details.  The goal you are striving to reach ALWAYS COMES FIRST.  The vehicle, how you are going to get to the goal, comes second.  You have to know where it is you want to go, where you want your journey to take you.  If you don't know where you want to go - then any road will do.  That is the current problem with these people in both the white man's house AND the congress.  No one up there knows where they want to go. They only know what seems to them that they have all f*c0e! up real good and they can't find their way to the escape hatch.

So they look for enemies behind every door, under all the beds, just like frightened children. But that's NOT the American way. Americans have never been cowards.  Give American such leaders as General George C. Marshall, Oppenheimer,  and so many others that at this hour in the morning I have not the time to look up them all. 

These frogs in the white man's house and the legislative branch are just as frogs in a pot of water on stove, just letting the pot get hotter and hotter - figuring that they can jump out of the pot just in time.

They do not see with their own eyes the awsome potential of this nation when it is united into a sinlge minded purpose.  They do not know, for instance, what great companies such as General Electric actually did, Kaiser Aluminum, Alcoa Aluminum, etc., within a year to turn the great ship into the wind - and turned the USA into a manufacturing colossus. 

You need to stimulate the economy.  But if you let loose the printing machine, be it digital or paper, doesn't matter, then public trust in the government will finally collapse totally and it will be the end of the grand experiment that began in 1776. 

You need to stop lying about unemployment and inflation.

You need to end the war of the week and bring that habit to an end, permanently.

You need to send the military down to the Rio Grande and stop the flow of migrants into this country.

What about the 20 to 30 million people that are here already. [This number by estimate number per Colonel Douglas Macgregor - war hero recognized by Authority; Distinguished military officer, recognized by Authority; military adviser to a president of the United States ; What about them?

Any person who is on any ACTUAL LEGAL territory of the United States of America is entitled by virtue of this fact - to the presumption of innocence - with the burden of proof being on the shoulders of the State - not the accused.

Thus each and every one of these people who is not an actual enemy of the State [an actual enemy such as during an invasions by clearly defined enemies or of the United States by virtue of his ACTIONS such as saboteurs ] is entitled to DUE PROCESS in its entirey.

In plainer words, I am saying that each of the thirty million people, [plus or minus whatever is necessary to arrive at actual number present for census counting purposes] is, by the right of Due Process and current laws, both federal and state and these laws themselves being subordinate to THE CONSTITUION of this nation as interpreted by THE SUPREME COURT of the United States [of which there is NO appeal of a decision - for the current issue at hand – this issue is the Right of the 30 million (+/-) people being entitled to DUE PROCESS in its ENTIRETY.

I think, but I do not know (I will leave the assumption of )

In this land of America?

They are here; they were our neighbors who have cross over the fence looking for that one thing that always distinuished this country above all other countries of the earth.

This - our repubic - has always been the land of hope and opportunity; in a land whose motto remains "In God We Trust"; whose pledge to all those who reside in this country or are here but transit to another place; or perhaps during their stay, invited or not, while here in this nation which proclaims in its pledge to be a land of liberty which are governed by LAWS - all those people - guests or not - are entitled by The Constituion of the United States, and its Bill of Right - jointly these being the Controling Legal mandate of the nation - those being on the legal territories of the this nation are entitled by Right - to the presumption of innocence; with the burden of proof being on the shoulders of the State - not the accused. These seeker of a better life - they are human beings.

Any person who is on any territory of the United States of America is entitled by virtue of this fact - to the presumption of innocence; with the burden of proof being on the shoulders of the State - not the accused. Thus each and every one of these people who is not an actual enemy of the State [an actual enemy such as during an invasions by clearly defined enemies or of the United States by virtue of his ACTIONS such as saboteurs ]. In plainer words, I am saying that each of the thirty million people, [plus or minus whatever is necessary to arrive at actual number present for census counting purposes] is, by the right of Due Process and current laws, both federal and state and these laws themselves being subordinate to THE CONSTITUION of this nation as interpreted by THE SUPREME COURT of the United States [of which there is NO appeal for the current issue at hand – this being – this being the Right of the 30 million (+/-) being entitled to due process in its entirety.

And as that Brit, or, that Limey if you prefer, "There's the Rub." (link those to

I prefer to say, "Nothing sucks better than a sour Limey" than people saying "Nothing sucks better than an orange." I wanted to go to Tennessee Technological University because of their Moto, "I'm a rambling wreck from Tennessee Tech but one hell of an engineer." I could have because I did pass "muster" but, whereas all of the other ACT subjects but the math - I excelled at, as I was told by their Dean of Engineering School, "I sucked on my math score" but I did squeek by. He didn't actually use that pejorative - but I needed no translation to know just what he meant. And if you want to make it in engineer school, or even physics, or most any of the STEM degrees - you better first build a real strong backbone in mathematics if you are in high school - or, as I did since I didn't go to HS, take more advanced math courses, especially intros to calculus (you better) . . . [[ and really know you Trig (if you go into optomerty or opthomology or advanced physics (MS, PhD, etc) you are going to get clobbered with spherical trigonometry and geometry )]] . . . no HS? . .go . at a junior college and then when you do get admitted to engineering or one of the STEM degree programs - you better work your ass off, forget having a social life, partying, cutting class, and "cramming for the finals" because unless you are a John Von Newman (Hungarian chap) you WILL flunk out, 90 % of STEM students DO! who don't take it serious - - FLUNK OUT - - as that dean of engineering at Tennesse Tech told me that day after the ACT test.

So you think I must be super smart because I got me and engineering diploma? With not much prior formal education? No, No. I got me a big ass, so I've been told often times. That's how come I won, I cross the goal and make the touchdown!. I sat on my ass one hell of a lot WHILE BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL. That's how. You think you win the 100 meter race with scranny [comes from real skinny, lanky, scrawny leggs, originally cowboys in Oklahoma called real thin leggs cattle, scrawny scrub cattle. When the Indians in West Bengal changed their big city name from Calcutta to Kolkuta - I didn't want to do that 'cause I had visited "The City of Joy" Calcutta/Kolcutta two times and really fell in love with that city (metaphorically speaking, that is) and when I objected one time when among some Indian friend (the from India indians, that is) he looks at me and says (and not in Bengali either, to at least be polite. If I had been in Peking/Being eating me a Peking duck, at a Chinese restaurant and the cook was somehow offender if I had said "I really like eating your Peking ducks when I visit here in Peking" he wouldn't cuss me out in English or even Mandarin Chinese. No. He would say to himelf, "I'm not losing me a good paying customer because he is ignorant of Chinese customs and feelings. No, he would reply "Thank you very much. And do come back again and when you do please try our Egg Foo Young. I am sure you will like it even more than a duck. And do bring your wife too." Now that man is smart. He knows how to duck an unintended insult. Why mess up a good relationship because this American is a dumb ass. " You see the difference in the reasoning process when dealing with two different cultures?

China knows that Tony the Tiger Blinken is a dumb ass with a head even fatter than his ass. But why insult a possible future customer who you know could also probably bring you lots of future business if the relationship goes positive again as it was in the past. In the same way, the president of China goes to Califunia (Arold Swartznigger pronounciation) to meet with Presient Biden in November of 2023, in the Year of the Rabbit. And also for the same reason that China was respectful of Blinken as their Confucious teaching is "never slam the door shut but always leave it a little open so that some light might shine through (that is, when the time is right, the relationship may once again become positive. And because this is the year of the Rabbit - we become friends with the Americans once again - perhaps we can introduce these Americans to a new Chinese-American dish and call it Rabbit-Foo-Americans with Chinese charactaristics. Keep the American well fed and make more Renminbi. America happy. China happy.

In this history of this country What about the millions of Americans that are unemployed and also millions now homeless.

Above all else you need to look reality straight in the eye.  Being a continuous militarist country has failed.  Push your luck against Russia, China, North Korea?  Be realistic.  Europe is NOT your problem though you had a lot to do with the mess they are now in.  Russia is not your enemy, never was.  So too with North Korea and China. Continue to be the big bully in town?  Bullies always get the bounce at some point.  As the American expression sais it so eloquently, every dog Has its day.

Red Star Over China - by Edgar Snow - An American reporter's perspecive of China who lived in China for several years during which time he wrote this book based on continuus interviews with Chairman Mao Tse-tung.  You will not get the truth from the Main Stream Media in the U.S.A. which almost all it, the media, is owned by about five giant corporations.  What you get from them is propaganda, a narative that their CEOs and like-kind what YOU to beliee, to buy into.  You are being manipulated and I doubt you even know it.

For extra credit you can read this publication, ON PRACTICE  of 1937 by Chairman Mao Tse-tung or just continue to be deceived and live in your ignorance.

What would I do? Not what you're doing, that's for sure.  And war? Go that route and it's over for the good ole USA.  You've got millions of unemployed, both legal and illegal.  You've got a really fragile infrastructure.  Your electric grid system - sucks frankly - and is very very vulnerable to collapse and sabotage.  Bridges? Roads. Steel and concrete both have finite life times. Once upon a time the USA was the breadbasket of the world. The USA can be the mightiest agricultural nation in the world, ONC AGAIN.  But not when most of your productive forces and capacities are controlled by the very few. Greed has destroyed this country more than any other factor - in my opinion.  Love of money above any concern for the nation and the prosperity of all the citizens.  Everything is controlled and owned by a very few.  People have given up.  As they see it - the American Dream was all a lie.  Well it became so when crookedness filled the halls of congress and payoffs and bribes and "silent" understandings became the norm. 

You the legislators and executie branch are going to have to make a tough decision.  Who to save?  The ship of state is sinking fast.  You are down to two choices. 1. Save the elite class and let the mass of population sink. 2. Toss the oligarchs overboard along with the all those who were the cause of this collapse and focus on building a new America that is more just and equitable in reality than continue the lies of the past.

4:40 am.Sept 16, 2024 Chicago time.

"When Marie Antoinette was taking her final ride to Comeuppance City, the wagon driver turned to her and said, "Nice day to bake a cake, isn't it my Lady." Deja vu 2024 I prophecy that unless the royalty of America take serious the brewing anger of the people, the "masses" brought on my them - the royalty, the 1% crowd - and they stop their chronic lying to the people - their last meal will indeed be a piece of pinnaple upside-down cake.




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United the Allies Defeated Tyranny - Divided - We Shall All Be Destroyed