Sketches of a Life

We will get the numbering and alphabeting correct in a while.

A.) Learning the basics. One of the few I didn't throw away because I used the reverse side of the canvas to try again. Painted in 1960, I was 14. Failing in everything I did - seemed there was no point to continue.

B.) Surviving to Try Again . Painted 1961 in Brentwood, Missouri. After a sort of hiatus, decided to try again, and painted this landscape on the reverse side of the "Seascape" if you can identify it as that.

C.) Time to Begin Again. Try Again . An attempt at learning from an Italian Renaissance Landscape Painter. From a picture in an art book on the history of art. University, MO. 1962

D. Landscape in Arles, France, afer Van Gogh, 1962, University City, Missouri

E. Dropping Out of School , 1962, University City, Missouri

F. Avenue of the Trees from Hobbema, a study to learn perspective better. Memphis, TN. 1966

G. Winter Snow, Memphis, TN, 1967,

H. The Good Soil, the Rocky Soil, Which Road to Follow, Matt 13:3, first painting in 14 years since leaving Memphis. Mowbray Mtn. Daisy, TN, 2-1981

9. The Lawyer's Office, Summers, Sloan, Thompson, Nash, Daisy & Chattanooga, TN 1981  Begin adding details in 3/27/2022

10. Farm on Mobray Mountain, and Taking a Trip , Marion Co. TN, 1982,

11. Lake on Mobray Mountain , 1982, Marion Co. TN

12. Rock Bridge , from Imagination, Mobray Mountain, 1983

13. Our Lady of the Poor Chapel , built by the monks of St. Meinrad Archabby, Indiana, Marion Co. TN, 1985

14. Red Roofs & Bridge , from a pencil sketch owned by author Todd Downing of Atoka, OK, drawn by an artist in Spain. Painted in Chattanooga, TN, 1986, T. Downing Choctaw, Mexican Indigenismo. & ..+...+..etc... He has not been forgotten.

A.) Dr Shields, of the Todd Shields Downing & Ruth Shields Downing. Dr. Shields was a medical doctor. Todd believed this picture was taken about 186001880 period. The story is that a traeling person came down with a sickness and boarded with Dr. Shields - who medically treated the stranger - and in payment - painted this portrait of the doctor. So far we haven't a clue as to who the artist was. The frame still exists but needs restoration. The painting was fully restored in 1974 after my graduation. It was mounted on board by professionals restorers in Memphis. Our plan is to donate this picture and the remainder of Todd's effects to the college Todd taught at in Durant and to the Oklahoma Hisorical Society. Nothing of Todd Downing property is for sale.

This picture of Dr. Shields was taken in late afternoon. As soon a weather premitting another will be taken when the sun is more favorable.


3/19/2021 we are in the process of editing and uploading the photos.

B.) OaXaca, OaXaco , a Acalde Todd Downing de "El Basilio"..Oaxaca, officially the Free and Sovereign State of Oaxaca in Mexico.

C.) Portrait of President Teddy Roosevelt This commemorative picture was owned by Sam Downing who was a Rough Rider and a Corporal in that group. Sam was a committed Republican.

D.) Landscape Scene relating to Scottland was owned by Sam Downing and then Todd. According to Todd, his father this Etching was brought to Atoka by the family of Maud Miller, Todd's mother.


E.) Maya god . This is part of a Todd Downing collection which will be shown as soon as time permints. He said that he actually dug them up on tours of Mexico in the 1920s.

F.) Shakespeare Giving a Speach , etching. Approximately 100 years old. First owned by Todd Downing, then by his siser, Ruth Shields Downing

15. The Forbidden Orchard , Запретный сад, держись подальше, 1987 original layout from a Van Gogh, in France

16. ..Two Serbian Saints Fishing , {from a post card sent by Radja} 1987 (painted in Chattanooga)


Perhaps not post card grade, but none is for sale. It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.

It's just to show what one can do, though often a failure, when you keep trying


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