2024_May_26, Sunday, Chicago time. What I have written so far this evening, and now I am at stopping place as it is again near 2am, is extemporaneous and in need of editing, additions, etc. I leave it posted in the rough draft becasue there is enough done to get the general drift of what I am trying to say, wordy though I may be in its initial draft stage
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Great Student of Human Nature
2024_May_31, Friday, Chicago time, 11pm
On this writing I have forgot to include the ending which you may not believe thinking it is too convenient. But I don't really care what the scoffers think. Also, the conclusion on the WHY of prejududice is also not mine. I was at the time too young to form any conclusions on important subjects but I was open to learning in the right settings. I asked the question, "What is the cause of prejudice and she is the one who said to me, "It (prejudice) is based on ignorance and fear. She should know. But where does the fear come from?
I think it was when living in NYC, Manhattan that I first heard the Roger & Hamerstein musical "South Pacific." And most of all those songs in thatmusical (they created quite a few) I remember even now in my old age. Why the hate? I've seen quite a lot in my life time. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated that early evening while I was teaching a karate class in the basement of the church of , I think it was South_Western University of Memphis. (check on google) Two of my young students were Harold Whalum jr. & Roy. Skipper was their best friend.
I AM A MAN https://library.fes.de/libalt/journals/swetsfulltext/11116538.pdf The marchers were demonstrating their support for 1300
striking sanitation workers, many of whom wore placards that proclaimed, ª I Am a
Man.º This march was the latest engagement in a ® fight that had raged in Memphis since the days of slaveryÐ a confict over African-American freedoms and civil rights His wording, as written does it not imply that the conflict is over freedoms and civil rights? As granted in the UN Charter? link in E. Roosevelt video on this? Isn't the conflict over freedoms, a civil right. Token integration had quietly replaced public segregation in Memphis by the mid-1960s And it was the "Token intergration" up north, Chicago, which was the reason MLK had targeted Chicago, as a typical examplye. His efforts in this part of the movement went to nothing unitl much later.
This was the start of the protest march from Beale street. I think they are now going toward the main street of Memphis. Harold and Tillie were gassed and he was assaulted as the approached the main street. There was no provocation to warrant this attach. It was justified by the hate within the police of that time.
On the surface, this ® ght for recognition of manhood seems straightforward. Once
white men began to treat black men with the respect and dignity that black men felt
they deserved, the problem might appear to be solved. But there are almost as many
different de® nitions of manhood as there are men, and these change over time. The
young men who ripped the signs off their sticks during the march were contesting not
only white constructions of manhood, but also the manhood espoused by older black
leaders. De® nitions of manhood in Memphis were further complicated by the fact that
black and white masculinity rested on de® nitions of womanhood as well as race, age,
and class. The struggle for manhood in Memphis resists a simple black and white
model of gender identity. The sanitation workers' protest illuminates a spectrum of
meanings for manhood and womanhood in both the black and white communities, and
it offers a chance to investigate the ways in which gendered language has been used to
confront and, at times, reinforce social and economic inequalities in America 3
I don't think so. (this reasoning above) To me this moment when the blacks of Memphis, specifically the Sanitation men " STOOD UP" Stood Up in the same sense when Mao Tse-tung stated in his victory speech following defeat of the Nationalist forces led by Chang Ki Chek -swam for cover, figuratevly speaking, to TAIWAN, then Formosa, Portugese for "Beautiful Island" I think. This was the INFLECTION POINT ! At that moment when the black men of Memphis "STOOD UP" it was in essence the same message as the Chinese gave to the world. "We will no longer be slaves." (link national anthem of PRC in which this moment is asserted) The inflection point is that moment in history (if we take a Hegelian view of history) when there is a dramatic shift in the consciousness of man and in particular - the consciousnes of an enslaved people. When their spirit breaks free from the shackles that bind them to fear - to revolutionary spirit, JUST AS THE UNITED STATES DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - is the moment when the Colonist made their collective decision - we will fight for our independence.
We Americans today (2024) are fast approaching this inflection point, the moment when the SPARK lights the fuse - the Conch sound the call, and a new revolution begins. This time it is the masses of Americans economically enslaved by the 1% of Oligarchy militarist who suck the American workers dry of their ability to earn a decent living which allows them to plan and save realistically for their children's future. As with the Napoleon - psychopathic types - this same breed spends the people's money to exhaustion bankrupting the people where millions of them now live in tents, deserted garbage trucks, makeshift mansions built of corrogated boxes - once holding food for the millions at affordable prices - but now being shipped to some flop-house country "over there, over there - across the polluted once pristene Atlantic Ocean - as this Ocean is now filling updump with the bodies of their victims - created by this 1% Oligarchy - these coch roaches who only show themselves in the dark of the night - who have created this mess the 1% Oligarchy and their front-line warriors - THE " FEDERAL RESERVE " - to fuel their vulgar MILITARY MACHINE and the INDUSTRY THAT FEEDS THIS grotesque and rapid expanding bacteriumMONSTER - The Treponema Pallidum - - - >THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX.
Until the 1960s and 1970s, labor historians focused almost exclusively on men.
Unstated gender assumptions allowed these scholars to use gender-neutral terms such
3Much of the recent scholarship on race and masculinity has shaped my analysis here, but the best work
is Gail Bederman's Manliness and Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the United States,
1880± 1917 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995). For gender analysis in the civil rights movement,
see Sara Evans, Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights Movement and the New
Left (New York: Vintage Books, 1980).
The 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike 155
as ª workerº and ª organizerº to refer to men only. The rise of women's history opened
up new vistas for gender analysis of labor struggles, but this analysis has only recently
in¯ uenced the way labor historians look at male workers and male-dominated labor
movements. Alice Kessler-Harris, Elizabeth Faue, and others have urged labor histori-
ans to recognize that notions of both femininity and masculinity shape the way people
understand work and worker rights. Kessler-Harris argues, for instance, ª Working-class
men continually renegotiated forms of masculinity ¼ that extrapolated the power of the
household and utilized it in their struggle with employers,º even though she notes that
these efforts were often only ª marginally successful.º4 While Faue and Kessler-Harris
have begun to offer gendered analyses of labor history generally, Joe William Trotter
admits that scholars of African-American labor history ª know little about the construc-
tion of male identities and the changes therein among African American workers.º 5
More often than not, historians have had to read between the lines for gender analysis
of labor movements that seemed to concern overtly class or racial issues, because the
ª normative natureº of masculinity often rendered it ª invisibleº to the historical actors.6
Masculinity, racial identity, and labor relations were all highly visible, however, in the
Memphis sanitation strike. Workers, union organizers, civil rights leaders, and city
of® cials consciously wielded gendered rhetoric to negotiate wages, the right to unionize,
and ultimately power relations between whites and blacks, men and women.
What a bunch of liberal fanaticim. If anything is true, God created the black man to visibily demonstrate what true virility is in the Supreme Being's Command - BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY and replenish the Earth for its Creator. The only reason the Chinese and the Indians (Asian ones now) beat the Africans and that continents decendents in the United States is because they have been enslaved BY THE WHITE MAN - and the DAMN GREEKS who propagandized the white man to the dogma, Nothing in Excess, Every thing in Proper Proportion.
What a bunch of liberal fanaticim. If anything is true, God created the black man to visibily demonstrate what true virility is in the Supreme Being's Command - BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY and replenish the Earth for its Creator. I think, but I do not know, that I first heard this told by Minister Louis Farakahan on a sunday night youtube.com episode.
The only reason the Chinese and the Indians (Asian ones now) beat the Africans and that continents decendents in the United States at this game, as the Supreme Being sees it I suppose, is because they, the African people have been enslaved BY THE WHITE MAN for a very long time - and by the DAMN GREEKS who propagate the white man's liberal dogma of Nothing in Excess, Every thing in Proper Proportion.
How do I know this is so? For my Greek friend Dino - tells me so! [for cetain it is not because the bible tells me so] By my best friend, Dino Papadakis (photo will be provided showing him crushing an 8" cinder block in Karate demonstration) now dead, of the 1960s time, who said to me one day when we went on our daily lunch time visit to the Memphis Zoo in Beautiful and Lovely Overton Park, "Say Nenad, [he knew better than to say, Hay Nenad, because even though I ourranked him by a Dan, I knew and HE knew I knew, that when it comes to an entanglement, SIZE REALLY DOES COUNT, - we were parters ( businees that is ) in a karate school in Memphis and he did not want to upset the business balance.
Dino: "Do you know the meaning of the Greek Moto, which is on our national flag?" "No Dino, I don't. What is it?"
Dino, slowing his walking pace as he typical took long strides in his walk, delicately turned his head slightly to his right, he always walked on my left side - which always gives the Karataka (man who practices karate (Tae Kwon Do, and woman were not allowed at that time as the liberal marching trains had not yet developed a full head of steam) - if he was right-side physically dominant - this would give him a decided advantate should he decide to make a quick advance on - the person to his immediate left. That was just one of the techniques you learn if you took up karate in the event, though rare it is, that if necessary to ward off actual violence aimed at you - to take up your arms in defense. This is not only a freedom that is our natural birth-right ('less you be consumed as the tiger ourruns and eats the slower but pretty and gental but tasty gazelle.
"Will damn it, what did Dino say!" you ask impatiently.
"Never leave your friends behind." Dino replied, cool, calm and collected.
"huh? Oh, well if you say so." I replied both disoriented and somewhat confused.
"What do you want me to do, say it in Greek?" Dino asked me in a condescending manner which I felt I had not the strength to reute. Size does matter, you know. And anyway, I still didn't know what the hell he was talking about. And this was about 1966 - 1968, long after Nash had gone on his killing spree. So I didn't even have a lawyer to consult with on the matter. After all, Nash did speek fluent German so wasn't that close enough?
Dino then quickly ejaculated [Cambridge.org dictionary, "in speech, " You have my umbrella! " he ejaculated. The Kings English] and then said to me,
"Let's go feed the money's again, OK Nenad?"
"Ok Dino." For lunch time we always went to the Memphis Zoo, in beautiful and lovely Overton Park. At the monkey station there was a kiosk and a bag of peanuts costes us bout 10 cents a bag (Today, 2024, because the FED has destroyed the value of the dollar, that samae bag will cost you about two hundred cents.
. Harold Whalum See Tri-State Defender Feb 17, 1968 article had been a classmate of Martin Luther King at Morehouse Colege (now University) in Atlanta. (If I have my memory intac) Corretta Scott King had been one of the organizers of that first "March on Washington, 1958. Ruth had been one of the principal organizers.
notes: see 227567317.pdf (core.ac.uk) Sons Harold Whalum jr 11 (as of Feb 17, 1968) Tri-State Defender, Memphis, Tn) & Fredrocl Roy (age 9 at this time and preferred to be called Roy) they are students of mine at the large church.
https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2018/04/04/6-01-4-4-martin-luther-king-remembered-memphis-50th-anniversary-his-murder/481776002/ Is Kirk Whalum related to Harold Whalum
The insurance company at that time was at 123 Mississippi, take left turn on I THINK, I THNK same street that at corner of E.H. Crump & the street to the insurance company. Union Protective Life Insurance Co. Ah, he is elected president on Feb 9. 1968.
MLK starts college, Moorehouse at age 15, 1944
Also and I write this down now because I have reached that age where my memory is not as good as it was even twenty years ago. As a child Ruth was always remarking that I had an "elephant memory." It is the flow of images that I remember and that is fading now somewhat.
In a long email to my Egyptian friend Sy, many years ago (this here I am not certain this is correct, time wise when we were still working in same place as electrical engineers,) I wrote extensively on my experience following the assassination attempt on James Meredith who simply wanted to go to Ole Miss university. And attorney Glenn Nash also played an interesting but very short part in this story too.
Also I included my experiences when I first went to Memphis and I was 17 or 18 at the time and she was to give a conference speech in that city and since Memphis is more directly south of St. Louis, follow the Mississippi River .
(And there is a story here too. Most all those who understand music credit Paul Robison with being the greatest of baritone singer of the time , as Enrico Caruso was to tenor, since one's voice could be recorded.
Paul Robeson , the greatestest of baritones in both opera, negro spiritual music,, and singing performer to the " working man ." Be he was also person of sensitive feelings. A very common trait in persons who have been given artistic gifts by the Creator.
This sensitivity to the feelings of others is often a charactaristic to be found in the artist. You can hear this " Soul Music " this Negro Spiritual sound " in so many of Paul Robeson's singing. (As in similar manner we hear this same Negro Spiritual Sound in this great negro singer .
This was no different with Paul Robeson. He often felt the pregjudice of the times. Paul thought if he could get to the worker's paradise - THAT paradise would be a place free of prejuduce, where he would not be judged so much by the color of his skin, but more by the quality of his music and his character as a person, a fellow human being. {and again I paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr. Why should I not when his writings and speeches express these sentiments so much better, more eliquently than anything I can do. Almost as though " Martin " himself had walked in Paul Robison's shoes, knew how he felt.
But Paul Robison expectations met with dissapointment in "the working man's paradise" of Stalin's Soviet Union.
The trip to Memphis was my first of several more to take until Ruth and I finally moved to Memphis for a longer time than my previous homes had been.
The place. which for quite a few years I called Mucus, Tennessee. because it DID stick in my craw, was a shock for me as I saw things that I had never seen before. And too, during the time Ruth was giving her presentations - I dipped down into Mississippi [not the river mind you, the Mississippi River of which Paul Robison's would have you think was The Mighty Blue Danube ; I dipped down into the state of Mississippi to see for myself the canopies of green Kudzoo (goat food from Japan) that I had heard was growning everywhere, up and over the trees, up and over the houses, up and over Ole Mis. I was interested in this display of a green leafy plant overwhelming an entre region of a state because I was into oil painting landscapes at the time and I thought perhaps I might find something worthwhile to paint in Mississippi.
2024_may_25 saturday. thoughts relating to autobiography
Over time I learned to adapt to my new environment and to become more obedient.
2024_may_25 saturday. thoughts relating to autobiography
The first book I ever read from front to back was H.G. Well'ss Time Machine. I was age 13, living in Brentwood, MO. I started the 7th grade at the Brentwood Jr. HIgh School. Remember, I entered the 7th grade when I started at the Watkinson Preparatory School for privleged boys in Hartford, CONN. I have reminisced about that adventure already. Old people are given to reminisce. The young don't because they have nothing to reminisce about.
This school, Brentwood Jr High required that we learn how to give a speech. One of the classes I was attending made the assignment that each of us was to give a speech to the class, as I remember, but I might be wrong on this aspect as other classes were also doing the same - learn to give a speech - (you might want to run for president someday [caugh caugh, I assume]. In my class each students was to give his own speech. I was to give a speech as all the other students were to do likewise. I did not know what I was to talk about. I knew what a speech was - as I had heard a few of them on the TV by politicians; and truthfully, not to make comedy of them [I need not as all have already in USA history known them given by loco politicians.
But what was I to talk about? Also, in front of all those fellow students. Thrill Thrill.
I asked Ruth to help me as I had not a clue what to say.She said, "Let's give a speech about prejudice." What was that, I wondered. Truthfully I had never though the matter out and in fact do not recall having even heard the word before. Really I did not know what she was talking about. I asked her, "What is that?" Prejudice. She said, and I was to write this down, ". Prejudice is to fear what we don't understand. "
She did her best to describe this condition. But it really didn't hit until she asked, "Do you remember your friend Willie who lived on the next block over from us (97th St. but a block closer to Lexington Ave.) "I sure do" I replied.
"Well prejuduce is not liking Willie because he is a negro."
"Oh" I replied with a slight upward motion of my shoulders."
Then she added, "Do you remember your Puerto Rico." friend who lived on 98st just up from us?"
"Yes I do, Poco. (little bit, shorty ). He was my friend who he and me got caught shop-lifting and you and his mother had to come and get us out from the store."
"Yes, that's right, when we still lived in New York. Well there are people who just don't like Poco because he is from Puerto Rico."
And now I remember when it was either an email to Jan or Sy that I told them how Poco says to me one time when we got together to have some fun, - - "Hey Nenad, did you know I am a spic now?
Poco lived just a few blocks from Mt. Sini Hospital in a nice apartment on the side of 98th closest to the hospital. And Central Park was just next to his street when you crossed over Fifth Avenue. His mother worked at the hospital as a nurse. I never gave no thought to either Willie or Poco being any different than me and I sure never saw cause why I should hate them.
And that reminds me now of Australia again, the few months I lived with Radja after leaving Box Hill Home for Boys (Melbourne) before coming to America. I had lived in Box Hill and the Kent Home for Boys since we had left Germany.

335px w 425px h
Radoijka Cuic
We lived in a small house which was painted white. (show photo of me playing cricket with bat in front of that house). The house was in Norwood, a subdivision of (address on xyz Essery Street. The house belonged to this elderly lady who mainly slept in a back room, there by herself. And Radja had rented the front bedroom, where Chookie and I slept. Across the small hallway there also was a room where Radja slept. And that room also had a round table and a couple of chairs and it had a radio. But I didn't know what it was when I first saw it when coming to the house to live. Radja told me what it was but she never turned in on for me to listen to. And we just didn't stay long enough in that house any way that it would have made any difference.
On Saturdays and sometimes on Wednesdays there was this tall negro man who was going to a university in xxxx. And he would take the trolly to near our house and Radja was tutoring him in French. He was from Africa, I think it was Nigeria that Radja told me where he came from.
I remember him so well, even this night as I write down this memory – even though it be 74 years ago. I still see his face and big smile. I knew about when he would visit and I waited outside for him to walk from where he got off the trolly and walked to our house to the porch where I sat and waited for him to arrive.
I would run to him and jump up and he would catch me and sort of toss me a little in the air. And we would then talk a might-bit; and one time I showed him that I could now ride a bicyle which Choockie had taught me how to do. And I remember that time too as I see it in my mind still.
So it was each Saturday afternoon. And you say, what's the big deal. It was that he was the first man who ever showed that he cared for me, wanted to be my friend. Not any time before that had I known of any adult who had shown kindness to me as he did. Other than Mrs. Stevenson - no one did. In Germany I can only say I don't remember that far. But I do know that life was spent mainly in institutional type settings where the children were many and the adults were very few. That is one of the aftermaths of war.
In the aftermath of World War II, I was one of the very lucky ones. I never forget that. Mine was mostly one of a lonliness that I could not escape. Nothing compared to what children from all sides who were hurt during the war . And too, those who lived in the generation afterwards. For those children could sense the conflicting and ambivalent feelings in their parents, those that survived, that is; and generally those children were able to experience the mood of their surroundings.
Shakespeare the unkindest cut of all - Google Search
A dark cloud of sadness hovered over the people of the lands which experienced directly the awfulness of that war. And always, as Ruth described in a newspaper interview in Chattanooga News Free Press, eveing paper (post the article on this page. It is large).
Newspaper clipping, ruth, Memhis morning paper

Ruth Family Service Memphis 956px w 524pc h

Ruth is at viewer left. Center at podium is Eleanor Roosvelt. Mrs Roosevelt, the former president's wife was an early participant in the Civil Right's movement.
{ Another great man worth listening to. Ruth's father, Sam, was Choctaw Indian, from Oklahoma, Indian terrirory when Ruth and her brother Todd Downing {the first successful native American Indian author of mystery novels and history of Mexico Mexican Earth & Ref_1 ) at the time when Ruth and Todd wereas born. Her father, Sam Downing , was corporal with the Rough Riders. }
Sam Downing discusses Indian matter and political matters with President Teddy Roosevelt at the White House
A Bit of History of Atoka, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Historical Society (note: shrink
Ruth had contributed in organizing the 1958 March on Washington, D.C. She worked with many of the notables of that time. Mrs. Roosevelt is giving commencement speech to the graduates of the CSS project in Harlem, an 18 month research project to establish that young people (in this case age ranged from `~ 13 to 17 yo, boys and girls in Harlem who were significantly behind academically and many who were experiencing both emotional problems and also adjustment problems and quite a number also had discipline and legal issues. Project was a complete success. IQ tests by independent psychologists were given to all students at the start of project.
Many tested low IQ , as did I. At conclusion, again with independent testing of IQ, ALL scores had raised, minimum was average, just a few. Most had significant gains. Several scored into the 130 range. Ruth published the research in NASW magazine. I will publish that document and the original draft. I will sum up: Intervention and opportunity must be present. Support in the form of tutoring (that was necessary for me too as I had NO math foundation when I decided to go for the goal of electrical engineer.)
2024_June_6, 5:30am Chicago time. I will start today posting the two documents by Ruth Downing. In my opinion, the draft is very much better than what the publishers of NASW allowed. Ruth did step on a few toes (of beliefs, not people, but . . . ''We really must not say such things today, people might complain." You will see what I mean. And you will also see for yourself the clarity of thinking in Ruth Downing's thoughts as expressed in her writings. I have read a few of Todd's books, and so far "Vultures in the Sky" being my favorite. Yes, he was very good with words. And the way he expressed the subtle prejuduces of people at the time, he being then living in Indian Territory converted to a U.S. State - how this prejuduce was submerged under a layer of pretense. You will see this in Todd's The Mexican Earth.
And my mind now flashes back to memories of the sixties - when Martin Luther King, Jr. ventured into Chicago territory wanting to pull away that very layer of "pretence" that Todd sort of exposed by way of illustrating in his book, The Mexican Earth, the conversations of some visiting tourists from Greater North America; to expose - NOT the Hypocracy - because if we, a people, are not away of the contradictions, the contrasts between what we think of ourselves and what is actual reality - we cannot call such people hypocrites. Why? Ignorance of a truth often blinds us to the realities that the truth would expose.
As Ruth had taught me in preparation for my speech to my fellow class mates: Prejudice is based on IGNORANCE and FEAR.
We fear what we don't understand. We fear the Chinese people because we do not understand their culture, their way of thinking, their attitudes toward things we we "just don't approve of that type of behavior." Etc. In like manner, as with our prejuduces we hold about the Chinese people - we also feel the same toward the Russian people. Perhaps even more so. Why. Почему Поче му
There is much more. But another picture first.

This is the best currency we can hope for. That we can express our love for our fellow neigbbors by helping those less fortunate through the talents that the Creator gives each of us at birth.

Some of the girl students receiving their certificates. All count there were approximately 50 participating students of various age range and more or less equally boys and girls.
One time as she neared the end of her long journey, she said to the newspaper man,
"Always these refugees (coming directly from the war zones, such as from Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, Poland, Serbia, and so many other such places) carry with them when they come to America – an undercurrent of sadness that never leaves them.
"That quote is in the published article.
I think to myself, this very late hour as I write down my memories, - - this same deep sadness , this constant undercurrent which seem to pull us away from the enjoyments we expect to receive from our childhood – is happening now to the children of the Gaza – innocent though they be – THE UNKINDESS CUT OF ALL.
Why this of which I write - is much the same as with the negro children of the many gettos in our country – America, so rich and prosperous, so full of hope and opportunity, if only that were also true for these chidren too –
- "America, so rich and prosperous, so full of hope and opportunity"-
And residing in the back of our minds – we wonder whether this "pent up anger" will explode one day soon – as it has done so many times before - - since the time the negro won his freedom from bongage - - long ago. I allude to what the Colonel, Douglas Macgregor is referring to in his interveiw with Brian Rose. [put that page link here and on that page end of interview and a return to - this page link
Colonel Macgregor, a decorated war hero himself,is giving the call, repeatedly. The Conch {_ A _} has been sounded. What will happen next?
Shakespeare's he unkindest of all - Google Search
If I can butcher up what Shakespeare said in his play on Julius Caesar . And here is direct download (the unkindests cut of all) just a little bit (see Act 3, scene 2 and also learn from this link – the unkindest cut of all that comes with war - - is what it does to the innocense of children; both during the war and then in its aftermath, and perhaps to the generation that follows afterward.
With children it is the adults whom they must trust the most. And in their minds when they directly experience war’s tragedies – it is a betrayal of that trust. And thus can we better understand how Ivan1 felt after the death of his parents by the NAZI. Anger.
I think that if you will watch this Russian-Soviet movie, considered by many to be one of Sovets finest masterpieces of the Cinema (and that is why it is now with the Criterion Collection . . . DVD) you will better understand why I feel the negro child of today, and the adult of today - because the same was with him yesterday, - feels a betrayal by this country - not because didn't he didn't realize The American Dream - but because he was denied the avenue to realize this opportunity - even though no matter how much effort and work he put forth to reach the goal, of an excellent education which would open the DOORS TO OPPORTUNITY for him. (And the "her" is implicit because I am using the "him" in the sense that Bill O'Reilly described one evening years ago on Fox Evening (news or whatever it was - and there was an actual word for it, but basically I try to use "The Kings English" when I am serious in my writings.)
How so is this? Let me explain by way of illustration from my own early life how come this is so, the betrayal of a people because of their social and economic and environmental place (their environmental venue - if I can stretch the analogy a bit - where they live because these children who do become adults - if they live through their environment long enough - their survival IS A TRIAL, a trial just to stay alive in a world that is no fault of their own.) I INDICT the current political system of this country which we have where our great Constitution itself has been betrayed by the 17th Amendment to Article 1, Sectioni 3 of the Constitution which divorced We the People of each of the several (now 50) states from true and direct representation by the federal senators who are elected (that is to truthfully call it what is really is, SELECTED) by BIG MONEY and LEGAL BRIBES and there is not a thing that any State can do about it - or any individual.
BIG MEDIA is fully owned by just a handfull of giant corporations who totally control any narative that suits them. Big Media is a propaganda machine which puts the late Herr Doktar Joseph Goebbels, Sieg Heil Herr Goebbels, sings to shame in terms of actual output effectiveness. And the threat by a Justice Department of anti-monopoly practice simply doesn't exist. The "and Justice" part of (fill in the blank) simply doesn't exist anymore. The Justice Department is now and has been long before the present administration - a mirage and the part of the oath ". . . and Justice for All is a comedy, figment of the people's immagination. Link to the Justice Department.
Why this flaccid power of each State and its citizens to effect any change from the injustice which this arrangement (Senate seats for sale to the highest DONOR. This same thing - - when Caesar's seat became up for grabs by the highest bidder during the long centuries it took for the Roman Empire to finally collapse in its own self-created dung heap. And in these Roman Times it took centuries because just look at the technology then and now.
This country WILL collapse very much sooner and very fast if these militarist who are now in power in both political seats and the giant squid of the federal bureaucracy get us in a real war with Russia, China and North Korea. Do you really think that the United States and its piglets, the NATO followers will win such a war, a war that definately to the DEATH ot will be.
note: next paragraph is out of the flow of this page. But it is now 4:58 am June 1, and in these "all nighters" I often lose my place, where I am. But that is the purpose of the Revision. Bare with me and be patient. I want to finish this rough draft while the thoughts are still with me.
But racial hatred and the hatred of anyone who appears 'DIFFERENT" in both looks, thinking, religious beliefs, attitude and orientation that differed from a particular society defined by its standards of "the norm" has existed centuries before this twisted idea of " The Superior Man (at 3:31min for those in a rush) " central to the the Eugenics Movement.
2024_June 1 @ 1:25 am, Chicago time; which June is now busting out all over! I wanted to continue with the conclusion of my speech on prejudice and what happened when all the student began to leave the auditoriaum. I think I did all right on the speech as I had memorized it. No one booed or laughed, since I figure they knew that if they did that they too would get the same treatment because I was about 3rd in the speakers line.
About the time when I reached the double swing doors - kid, my age and size, but a negro (that is what we called negros, those of the race and in Spanish it simply means "black" so go figure it out; he comes up to me and says, and I have no reason to lie about it, not at my age for how would I benefit? He says to me, "I liked your speech, I appreciate it. Thanks." And he said no more but quietly walked his way and I went mine.
This was Brentwood, Missouri, 1960, the Show Me state. Brentwood was a small town amongst the cluster of many much the same, in St. Louis County - which was independent of St. Louis the city. Martin Luther King had not yet awoken America to the injustice that flowed beneath the feet of all America, silently. I guess that Rosa Parks was still in the shadows of much of America. But I think that Ruth knew what was stirring.
In 1958 there was a March on Washington, | A | | B | an early visible protest against this injustice that pervaded America, an injustice that especially targeted the American negro (meaning black person in Spanish tongue). In some measures the fuel that stoked this fire of hatred was an outgrowth of the Eugenics movement. _A_ _B_ _C_ . .
This specific of the March on Washington, Oct. 25, 1958 (a date that will live in infamy for me because it was on September 23, 1958 that the contract with the Watkinson Preparatory School for Privileged Boys was signed by Ruth Downing as guardian to Nenad Cuic in loco parentis and J. Newhall, Headmaster of the School. The Contract shows the student as a Nenad Downing. Loco Parentis because I was actually Nenad Cuic, immigrant from the batch that arrived in 1954 _A_ to United States of America, "America, so rich and prosperous, so full of hope and opportunity"- and it WAS, for Nenad Cuic, a fully certified illiterate, no mother, no father no uncle by a last name of Downing.
I was still a Nenad Cuic , a half-breed, 50 percent pure Serbian, this was my real mother , the other half - some say was this man, _X_ others have said it was this man _Y_ still I am undecided.
note: float the birth certificate LEFT and the translation R but about 25px total margin between them
I will supply the translation document a little later, perhaps today.
The Russian_Pole general, Konstantin Rokossovsky was a Soviet military commander who played a central role in the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943 and was a tank commander who commanded a major role in the Battle of Kursk. This battle was the largest armored battle in history, involving 2 million troops, 6,000 tanks, and 4,000 aircraft. Why do I think this man was a possibility in my existence?
As in other parts of this somewhat undefined autobiography - I mentioned that as the Russians closed in on Berlin - Radja, who used her connections inside the Berlin Foreign Office where she was a translater of documents since her employment in 1939 - to successfully get her sister Vera and her son, Dankar (he was my 1/2 brother and his father was a German officer, but I will double check as I have retained the notes) and several other relations - on one of the last trains out of Berlin and heading for Munchen, which would soon be in American hands, 3rd Army I think it was. And this was no easy matter. Getting as far away from the arriving Russians was a top priority for many Germans and those who were officers in the various branches of military and those with high connections were the only ones who could get a seat, so to speak.
She repeated this same line over the years when I would visit her at the Village and too when she would visit me in Chattanooga. Specifically I would ask her, "Why didn't you go when you had the chance?" Each time it was, "I had to remain in Berlin on a business matter." She would never lie to me. But she would dissemble to some degree. I knew she was doing so but I did not press the matter until my last visit with her in Belgrade where she had retired.
At the last visit with her in Belgrade I did stay with her in the small Assisted Living apartment for the eight days I stayed in that city. We did talk again about things of the past. And she, knowing as well as I did too, that her journey's end would not be too far off, did respond to the same question again by answering to me, "I had to wait until the Russians got there."
And from what I further had learned later from Istvan Khalman, the Hungarian electrical engineering student in Budapest University whose own harrowing story of escape from the NAZI who were hunting Isvan and his other fellow Jewish students, and the astonishing 180+ page story which he sent to me in the email form and which is within this autobiography of sorts, confirmed my suspicion that she was using her position within the Foreign Office at Berlin - to pass information to the Soviets.
I have found his last email to me (he died a few years ago, lived with wife in Australia) and this last long e-letter confirms not only her relationship with the Soviets but also who that person, the "Very high German official" who by his orders stopped the execution of Radja's youngest brother, Nenad, who was to be shot in the large Belgrade concentration camp for his collaboration with the fellow Serbian partisans in their battles with the German military, and had provided both the airplane, which was Himler's personal plane, and the repreive to the Comandant of the camp, signed by Himler. These Serbian partisans were led by Marshal Tito.
In my visits to her at the Village - I am a pesty questioner - I always want to know the WHY of everything. In each visit both in USA and then the last in Belgrade - the high official was never actually identified by name. But Istvan Kalman's last letter narrows down this and much more.
As for "waiting for the Russian's to arrive - she knew so much about Russian literature, culture and other such things. She could quote Pushkin and did - by heart. And her long wish to visit Russia was completed exactly when the Chernoble disaster happened. She was cautioned against going to Russia because of the "danger of radiation." But she said to me, "That risk didn't bother me."
On her return to New York she then came to visit with me in Chattanooga where we again enjoyed our conversations - much to the displeasure of Ruth. Radja wanted to go again to Russia with me and she would be my interpreter. She had not the funds to go again but I did. We agreed we would go by way of Paris. She wanted to go that way, visit Paris one last time, and then direct to Moscow first. On her trip to Russia she wanted to visit the major battle sights and Moscow and Leningrade (Now Petrograd, place of Peter.)
In the photos which she sent to me - one was of that huge Lady with the Sword. I didn't know much about that giant statue at the time.
Float this Left and then on right float a div and inside put the particulars% add a video of news reels,
battle of stalingrad giant statue - Search Images (bing.com)
this link gives many great pictures of "THE MOTHERLAND CALLS" Monument is in Volgograd, Russia.
Today, June 2 1:10 am Chicago time. I will center and make responsive, etc the above images. And you know, my main reason for taking on this task, this autobiograph of sorts, is to better learn the web programing html, css. We learn best from our experiences during the learning process all of our senses and both hemespheres of the brain are involved. This increases the action potentials of the neuron circuits in both the reticular activating systems and Amon's region; when that insight comes, the "ah" moment, "I've got it. I see it now." What Abraham Maslow called "Peak Experience." And, for him, this was man's highest attainment, the peak experience. 'Thought you'd like to know the why of my efforts.
The other possible claimant to the other genetic half of me was an Austrian who had come to USA as young man and had served in U.S. Army and in that American army of the 12th Army Group led by Omar Bradley. This man, Frederick Zahan - was a signal corp. man, radio operator. In my search for my full identity I have the letters from the VA. They verified that a Frederick Zahan was in fact a veteran and this record had been in the St. Louis storage center. But at no time - even in the early '90s had he ever made a claim on the VA for any benefits. And there was no record of his residences. This record of him had escaped the great fire at that document storage center. But little for me did it actually have to offer.
Here is this person whom I would have definately remembered had ever he actually visited with me. As a child I wanted a father. As a teenager I wanted to know who (m) my father was. I wanted to know him. Every child want a father to look up to, whether it be a girl or a boy - a father is half of each child ever to have been born - contrary to the fantasies of today.
note: Use floats to orient these photos.
Frederick Zahan
He was a dishwasher at Childs Restaurant in Manhattan, confirmed also by the Family Service of that city and I have the correspondence. That never mattered to me, his being a dishwasher man. Before INTERVENTION and OPPORTUNITY came my way - I too had worked labor class jobs. My thesis for this page, On Prejudice . . . is that the Military_Industrial Complex acts as a BAR, and impediment, a barrier, a "get you boy to the back of the bus where you belong." This Military_Industrial Complex - acts AGAINST THE POOR, be they negros, hispanic, poor white "trash."
Here is my line-up, my mug shots from my early years to now when father time has worn me out.
On HMS Oxfordshire to Australia
Age 6, Kent Home for Boys
My 1/2 brother "Chuck" who was five years my senior, age wise.
These pictures taken when we, Ruth & the doctor
(Mary Jane Sherfey, MD) move to Terry Town, NY about one year later. 1955-56
All text above will be corrected and in high contrast. Above text is copy and paste as the thoughts come and I use Microsoft Paint.net which is free download from Microsoft and very good for editing work such as here.
And this was me at my last visit with Radja
in her Greenwich Village apartment before she returned to Belgrade.
Here next is latest picture taken 2011 at a church function. My marine friend and me. Other than driver license I prefer not to show others the effects of entropy on a person as he rusts away. But nevertheless, here is George and myself.
8:55 am, June 1, 2024. I have to now take my wife (we have been together since 1981) back to the hospital. So I am going to conclude for now. And while she is in the hospital I will begin editing the above. I will put the pictures into a gallary using either grids or flex as there is lots of tutorials on youtube on how to do this, grids, flex, etc. And let me give you a short cut to my development on where I am heading as regards way up there the part starting with - In 1958 there was a March on Washington .
I was living with Miss Downing at this time on 12 East 97th Street. And in September she had enrolled me in to the Watkinson school in Connecticut. She said that while I was at the school I might want to watch the TV becasue there would be a march in Washington. D.C. and she had been one of the organizers. Names I still remember that she talked about were A. Philip Randolph, Harry Belafonte and Coretta Scott King. And it is interesting that Harold Whalum had also attended college with Mr. King. And because of Mr. Whalum - I was able to complete my engineering studies. I have already told part of this story in other sections. I specifically remember the name of Hary Belafonte because when living in the doctors big house (Mary Jane Sherfey) (pay wall free) in Irvington, NY, she had a fancy HIGH-Fi, really expensive. And one of her favorite 33rpm records was one by Harry Belafonte ( Day O, Bannana Boat Song )
This march on Washington also explains her connection with Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt attendance and commencement speech at the Harlem project and those photos of Ruth and Mrs Roosevelt together.
-to be continued -
2024_June_6 @ 7am
A nation's strength is the measure of its people's freedom to express both their positive opinions and their negative opinions of that nation and its government. The limits of that expression is set by The Supreme Court of the United States – which is co-equal to that of the government and its legislative branch, the Congress. The Supreme Courts interpretive powers are limited by the Constitution and the majority vote of its Justices.
Gaurav, what makes the United States the Exceptional Nation in the world is its Bill of Right – the individual rights of its people which cannot be infringed upon by government of legislative dictate. This Bill of Rights is likewise interpreted and protected by The Supreme Court. Among the ten Amendments to the Constitution, I believe that the most important of these is First Amendment:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
It is THIS Amendment which I believe holds us together, in both the tough times and it times of prosperity. And what of the other nations of this world of ours? I defer totally to that Gracious First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt – who among other points in her talk tells us that the catalyst to world peace is the Respect for Human Rights by all nations of this world. [ Eleanor Roosevelt on Human Rights ]
This Military_Industrial Complex interlocking cabal - siphons off the money, huge amounts, from the several states rendering the states unable to provide either free education at all levels which would be an asset for the society of the whole country - and makes the inadequate pay for teaching of the young a farce. The poor HAVE NO VOICE in government to stand up for them. This is directly due to the corrupting forces brought about by extinguishing the intent and purpose of Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution where-by selection of the federal senators was to be BY THE STATE legislators . You can bet that the state legislators would not tolerate the slums and gettos in their own state which exist due to the unfettered access to over 25 percent of the revenue that comes to the federal government via income taxes, etc., directly from the people of the several states - and go to feeding that obese monstrosity The Military Industrial Complex -
You see, try to understand this. What is enslaving the poor of the negro and the poor white trash, etc., to their existing condition, living in slums and gettos is the diversion of the nation's wealth from you the people in each state - to this vulgarity - that General of the Army and two term president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower called The Military Industrial Complex -
And this is made possible because of the conivence of the politicians whose only means to be elected first and then be re-elected into perpetutiy until death do them part and they go away only to see the new green shoots of weeds coming out of the dirt where they first germinated.
In like manner -
(put complete info on the dvd of Ivan's Childhood, A Film by Andrei Tarkovsky, Criterion Collection, etc. and where I purchase (Link) etc. And image the cover of dvd and make link to that image.
-analysis: prejudice is based on ignorance & fear.
- Bertrand Russell - on man's need to cling to his ignorance above all else
- fear - we fear what we don't understand - nc
- to fear what we don't understand is a normal evolutionary defense mechanism (which doesn't mean that Darwinian theory is correct)
- Fear is the tool of tyranny. Support with same book as Herr Dr. Joseph Goebbels used as his propoganda bible to instill fear into the German people . To control the masses means to keep them in constant fear. Fear is the prelude to war. A happy and contented people will not march off to war. They must have a reason and the tyrants feed them fear in a controlled step by step so as not to raise the people's suspicions.
1. First create doubt.
2. Weaken people's belief and trust in higher being - leaving them only to turn to the state as their source of hope and security.
3. Promise the people everything. Give them nothing but cheap tokens and lies.
4. Slowly destroy the currency as this will directly bring about the people's fear for their very survival and the survival of their children.