2024_Oct_22 3am CST (Chicago time, South Side) The expansion of the address to United Nations Security Council by United Nations Security Council, Russia's Permanent Representative, Vassily Nebenzi will continue later today. The delay is my wanting to get the coding correct, the html & css, and I have changed over to the latest standard, html5 and css3 which is making a much better viewing and reading. When you teach yourself a technical subject it is a much more difficult process than having some teacher answer your questions. But the advantage of educating yourself this way is, in my opinion and based on my personal experience, much more valuable BECAUSE you are constantly having to figure out what and where and how come you screwed up here and there. You are learning by FAILING. Does that make sense to you. If you can get over The Fear of Failure and take on the learning experience in a new frame of mind - I think you will discover that your potential abilities in academics is much strong and higher than you ever thought it to be. In other words, you are smarter than you ever thought you would be.
In writing my cousin this evening who lives in Belgrade here is some of what I wrote which is the product of what I am talking about in the above.
Trump is "all bluster" to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats That is his trade mark. He is NOT about to see his, what is it now, 5 sons and a daughter - melted away by atomic blasts like the Palestinian person who was cremated alive by the Israeli's. See attachment mp4 set to the actual speed, not speeded up to be politically acceptable.
It is a good move on Donald Trumps part. He, but for the Grace of God, escape the closest assassination attempt ever that I know of in my life time. Netanyahoo was behind the assassination of Ishak (sp) Rabin - now this is just allegation, not substantiated. But in view of what he, Netanyahoo is doing now - I have no doubt because he clearly is a psychopath personality (in my opinion which is not professionally based).
That is a person who is without a conscience "i.e., Let conscience be your guide. The psychopath DOES know right from wrong. But it is that he, the clinical psychopath DOES NOT FEEL a sense of guilt, he is not guided by those angel on his left and right shoulder, the one on his right telling him what not to do, he is the " let your conscience be your guide ". The angel on the left shoulder is the agent of the devil, tugging at your shirt sleeve saying, go ahead, do it. This custom of the Serbs is in Rebecca West's "Black Lamb, Gray Falcon" which Radja sent to me following her return from her visit to Russia exactly same time as Chernoble. sp If you like I can send to you. I have two very old hardback copies. They are in English, and if that is problem, since you also read German - they too have available.
But let me zero on one more aspect of psychopathy and I have known these types real up close and real personal. The study of them, in depth, came years later. The reality of them came at a very personal level and I can say that at 19 years of age I escape a life time in prison by the skin of my teeth. Because at that time I already KNEW THE CARDINAL SIGNS of this breed of human.
Here is the quintessence of the thing (what they (the true psychopath - Freudian defined - ) WILL do and why thay will act even though the "normal person" will say, "why did he do that when anyone will know he NEVER had a chance to get away with it!
The quintessence of the thing is: The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing. The purest or most typical instance. "the quintessence of evil." quintessence — definition, examples, related words and more at Wordnik .
The psychopathic personality DOES NOT THINK he can get away with it (such as murder) HE KNOWS HE CAN.
That is what you must understand. That is why in the next couple of weeks this will be the MOST DANGEROUS TIME for you, Serbia, and Russia and Donald Trump too. I have repeated this same theme way back when - to you - and I say it again.
These types are convinced (it is part of their mental make up, cannot change) that they are ALWAYS in control. It is a POWER and CONTROL NEED that DRIVES THEM. And they never stop to weigh the risks - in terms of OUTCOME.
The weighing of risk is only that element in the process of his reaching his goal - which asks "which is the better choice, I go left or I go right" never is it a " What if I fail."
Because he CAN'T fail (he is invincible) because he KNOWS HE WILL NOT BE CAUGHT, HE WILL NOT FAIL - because he is driven by his megalomania. One affected with or exhibiting megalomania. A pathological egotist.
A megalomaniac is someone who has delusions of grandeur or excessive ambition. The word is formed by combining megalo- (great) and -maniac (mad). See etymology, pronunciation, frequency and examples of megalomaniac in OED. A megalomaniac is someone who has delusions of grandeur or excessive ambition. The word is formed by combining megalo- (great) and -maniac (mad). See etymology, pronunciation, frequency and examples of megalomaniac in OED. Except that he is NOT MAD.
That's where people FALL FOR HIS ( let's call him what he is, a DEVIL ) . . for his schemes and plots and his charms. These are VERY CLEVER PEOPLE. Herr Hitler WAS NOT A MAD MAN. Neither was Napoleon.
Trump is NOT a psychopathic personality. In fact, he is a kind man. But as the finish line nears he has to reduce the GO FOR BROKE mentality of these people such as Biden, Blinken, Newland, etc. He is most vulnerable now for a second attempt on his life and Russia approaches now - the sudden unexpected snap attack of the Mongoose.
Question: Who usually wins, mongoose or snake? "In a fight between a snake and a mongoose, the mongoose is generally considered to have the advantage. Mongooses are known for their agility, speed, and ability to withstand venom from certain snakes due to specialized adaptations. Nov 11, 2013
Yes, in 80% + times the Mongoose wins. But they above - have the reason all wrong. Just as so many people in the West had it wrong about Russia seeming to be losing the war with Ukrania. What they completely fail to look at is the STRATEGY of the Mongoose.
In a boxing prize fight - the person best equipped to win the bets is he who has been in professional fights himself. The store of military knowledge (where the loser dies) is immense. Wars are won and fought by humans. Big bombs do help. But strategy cannot be won with a Power point presentation. The Europeans and very much the Americans military brains
(whatever they have) is pumped with the images of movies on netflix and such sources.
The Russians, Serbs, and even the Germans (they, like good Pavlovian dogs know what to do when they smell a Russian coming near, RUN LIKE HELL IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION)
The collective conscience of the Russians (and those other neighbors who also formed the former Soviet Union) and Serbs and I would say the Polish people too share, to put it into Karl Jung terms, A Collective Unconscious. And so, in the collective Russian, et.al., minds is a huge store of images of war (reinforced by their wonderful war movies ) which the mind taps into to form associations from those images - these images being primarily stored in right hemisphere, you agree? The many associations are then connected together [by a process not yet known ] to form streams of logical thought - using the abstract thought processing areas such as frontal lobe, Broca's, region, and the Reticulum in the brain stem region to yield complete thoughts. And the Amygdala for both memory and emotions. Strong emotions strengthen memory of an associated event. Memory that is retained AS IMAGES. You see the Americans showing much emotion lately about any of the wars going on, including the Israeli war of extermination of the Palestinian Arabs? No, hardly, because the Americans have become sterile, vacant and de-void of emotions like the Eloi in The Time Machine.
2024-Oct-18 11am cdst (Chicago, USA) time in process of being edited to add necessary links to verify the full scope of this apparent intentional ( prima faci ) genocide and slaughter of innocent children, their parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors – in an act of uncontrolled rage and REVENGE by Israeli governmentg military forces – authorized unabashidly by their Prime minister - Netanyahu [ <--- link takes you to Full text of the Prime Minister's UN speech of Sept 27, 2024 - for the acts of the HAMAS allegedy (and probably –[my opinion, not a statement of undeniable facts at this time] ) where some 1500 to 2000 civilians, by estimate { 1 } were killed by, I believe the Hezbollah – in effect militia group.
Assuming that the allegations by the Prime Minister against Hezbollah AND Hamas are true in all aspects – (because the USA also takes revenge on its perceived enemies and those not obedient to its commands and Rule Based Directives – Dicktakes coming out of Washington. D.C., the question is one of proportionality. ". . . the fact or quality of being in proper balance or relation as to size or quantity, degree, severity, etc.:
Even a defensive response to an unjust attack may go far beyond legitimate defense if it causes destruction that violates the principle of proportionality. See link above on proportionality The published opionion, by video means, of prominent people . . . [such as Ray Mcgovern (former Branch Chief, of Soviet Union Analytical Division, CIA, long long career; Colonel Larry Wilkerson, Chief of Staff to General Colon Powell when he was Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff; Chief of Staff to Colon Powell when he was Secretary of State of USA; Larry C. Johnson , Former CIA analyst; State Dept. Office of Counter Terrorismin; etc. Scott Ritter, former Captain, United States Marine Corp; intelligence section; former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector, author, and commentator. And these are just a few. ]
. . . believe strongly that the current mass killing of innocent people in the GAZA and now also in Southern Lebanon – is, in its essence – a genocide and " cleansing of the lands " for the Chosen Jewish people - - who were given all of Palestine lands to His People, the Israeli Jews by God.
I don't know whether this is true or not. I don't carry on in long arguments with the Creator. I consider to do that is, in any final analysis, a loosing proposition.
But the question I DO HAVE is this:
What is the difference between Herr Chancellor Adolf Schicklgruber Hitler and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Herr Mr. Hitler ordered the execution of 100 Serbians, man, woman, or child, didn't matter to him which was which – for every German soldier killed by the partisans. This same order was imposed on the French Resistance forces – and carried out. Throughout Poland similar orders were imposed on the Polish people. Herr Mr. Hitler's order was a REVENGE ORDER.
If this REVENGE order is not in its essence (dead is still dead) exactly what is being done to the Palestinian people – then WHAT IS THE REASON that Prime Minister Netanyahu is ALLOWING the SYSTEMATIC EXTERMINATION of the Palestinian people – children, parents, grandparents, neighbors, anyone who is an ARAB MOSLEM who occupies the lands of Palestine.
{ 1 } ". . . by estimate" because most of the victims which have been killed (murder is also an acceptable synonym) were liquidated when American " Buster Bunker Bombs " were targeted to hit the tops of apartment buildings. What happens then? Take a look at this: Israel's attachs on GAZA: The Weapons & Scale of Destruction

Yes AHMAD, There IS STILL consciousness of God's Presence in millions of devout Jews, Christains, Moslems, Hindus and those who continue to worship the One God in their own ways and in private.
Do not dispare. There is STILL humanity within most of the People of this earth. But you will NOT find this humanity or God consciousness in the hearts of those politicians and Divines {clerics, theologians, preachers} WHO REMAIN SILENT and do not protest to the slaughter of the innocent.
They are the army of hypocrites of this planet – The Chimera led by Satans captains and Lieutenants; personified by the likes of the the Benjamin Netanyahus, the alias Joseph Bidens, & and may God help us, the Anthony Blinkens, oily fish heads such as Linseed Graham, Sir Boris The Clown Johnson – and half the Lords and Sirs living on the English night soil
When the bravado of blow hearts like Volodymyr Zelenskyy - shed their scabies skins and you finally see them for what they really are: empty vessels of puke from their phoney promises left dripping on the shoes and feet of their victims - then you always know when the army of hypocrites is around. They are the Hollow Men. They were the Hollow Men 150 years ago, they are the same today, void of any real principals and honesty.
When the sails of the Ship of State no longer flutter in the wind; when the rudder is broken and the ship can no longer change its direction; when the bailing buckets all have holes in them; when the beams of the ship's hull no longer keep the salt water out – they – THESE hypocrites - - - are the FIRST to blame YOU AHMAD AL-DALOU.
Never lose your TRUST in your God, Allah Akbar, for as the Holy Koran teaches – HE will protect those that trust and believe in HIM. For there is another world in the great expanse of the universe – that is the Paradise set aside for HIS true believers.
What follows is the initial transcription from the video. Corrections to spelling will be made as time allows and to the best of my ability
Reference to individuals who are living beings is NOT directed at their living, breathing BEING, their inner core - who they actually are personally - but only to the extent that they are a Chimera, an image of what they are - by their countenance (especially the expression of the FACE they project to the exterrnal world, see Wordlk and what they represent, in my opinion; that I make reference to an apparition and not something that is actuall and real. My comments are directed to the apparitions of of the person, not the real person. There is a difference.
I ACCUSE ! Transcript from video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Clx9z6Ow0 .
"In a scathing address at the United Nations Security Council, Russia's Permanent Representative, Vassily Nebenzia condemned Israel's military actions in Gaza as a "systematic assault on the civilian population," calling for an immediate ceasefire and unimpeded humanitarian access." What follows is transcription using Temi transcription service: https://www.temi.com/ with timestamp enabled and Word, PDF and ascII text options chosen.
Vassily Nebenz
Vassily Nebenzi (00:02): Madam President, we support Algeria's Initiative to convene today's urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the unacceptable humanitarian situation in the Northern Gaza Strip. We thank the acting head of the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, Joyce Misou, for his overview of the human tragedy unfolding before our eyes.
Vassily Nebenzi (00:26): In the context of more than a year of continuous bombing by the Israeli Air Force, the humanitarian situation in the enclave is truly terrible. The number of civilians, including women and children, killed, wounded, and maimed is staggering. In the last 24 hours alone, 55 Palestinians have been killed and more than 329 wounded. The scale of the famine is shocking. The entire population of Gaza is in urgent need of food assistance. Mass movements of people and evacuation orders have become commonplace.
While there is in fact nowhere to run in different areas of the sector, schools, hospitals, and refugee camps are being shelled.
The American media [(1) see note directly below] cite the comments of volunteer doctors working in Gaza hospitals, according to which they almost daily encounter
Definition of American Free Press:
Uninvited Commentary.
Many have observed that the American people seem unaware of the atrocities being commited in the Holy Land of Palestine against the indigineous population of primarily Arab speaking people, children of all ages, their parents, granparent, aunts and uncles, friends, neighbors and guests. Mass slaughter is said to be taking place - unheard of since the mass slaughter of the Cambodian people (estimates go as high as 50% of the population - and age, sex, etc., played no part in the selection of the victims. That seems to be the case today - in the Gaza and South Lebanon areas. The selection process (2) isn't undertaken by some military officer who has his chosen victims to line up and a quick glance at them decides the selected victims fate. "Off to the bath houses to kill all the lice on the selected victims body - "you go to the right . . " is not actually spoken by the officer shouting to the victim. No, just a slow raising of the officers arm and a motion of "you go to the right.
It is the middle phalanx finger
cases of gunshot wounds to the head of minors from two to 12 years old
I will return, not as General of the Army, Dougout Doug MacArthur but as myself to continue with development of the next theme, the power of the pointing finger.
Here is another thought from the past to think about:
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is condemnation before investigation." Edmund Spencer
And specifically I apply this observation by Edmund Spencer that the economic destruction of the EU economy and its decent into the garbage heap of history - is due to their blind hatred of Russia and its people. And as commentator Ray Mcgovern has pointed out, Germany, and its recent history, has turned its back on the character of its first rate military commanders such as Field Marshal Erich von Manstein {and he, pray tell, was better in that position? Dougout Doug? who the day after Pearl Harbor forgot or didn't care - to space his fleet of fighter planes sufficiently to minimize losses if the Japs zeros should pay a visit. But instead, the battling bastard of Batan left them all wing tip to wing tip - to be destroyed by the Japs.
Guderian? When has their been a better tank commander. Patten? All I am saying is that Germany has turned its back on its own great history and tradition because they, not just Berliners mind you - but the whole flock of them have become Berliners, Jelly Donuts - people who have lost all of their courage and self-respect.
. . . well, now 4:10 am, I'm retiring for the morning and will continue later.
It turns out that the UN flag not only does not protect the civilian population, humanitarian workers, and civilian social facilities, but also seems to become a direct target for the IDF all humanitarians, including today's speaker, say with one voice that there are no safe places in Gaza, and this is not a figure of speech, but a bitter reality.
-- I need to return the hand image to Powerpoint since there is much more artwork to be done. But it is quite late now. If you know your history, and I do, you know what the significane of the proximal phalanx is and the right hand pointing to the right with that finger and the same hand when pointed to the left meant a repreive for a while.
p.s 2024-Oct-21 @ 1:20am I will have to adjourn. It does look as though the final solution for the Palestinian people if Netanyahu has his way - is a different version of the time tested crematorium.
With the BidenBlockBusters -whole neighbors can be eliminated through aireal bombing in one swell swoop. That is Shakespheare's better used quotes in USA but not so much elsewhere. Since my main reason for going through all this time consuming work, starting with the first learning through doing in Jan 2020 when the Scamdemic began - is to get very proficient at web programming. I already knew how to write Fortran IV (a science engineering specific language) versions of Basic, Excel, etc., But with the web system, I can go to publishing my thoughts, stories, etc., which is the talent I enjoy most now in developing. Returning to oil painting (with a Van Gogh flavor) is too time consuming and also I don't have the space or the inclination. So that's it. I call my journal, The Spark in honor of Champion Spark Plugs. Well, gooden nacht
Vassily Nebenzi (01:45): Madam President, for two weeks now, the international community has watched as Israeli forces carry out in intensive airstrikes and military ground operations in the Northern Gaza Strip. Hundreds of Palestinians, including children have been killed. Just the other day, on October 13th, there was another outrageous attack by the Israeli Air Force on schools in the new Sayara refugee camp. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Sayara+refugee+camp&t=chromentp&iax=images&ia=images "Will I die?" this child asks? https://www.mediaite.com/news/will-i-die-cnn-airs-gut-wrenching-report-on-israeli-bombing-of-gaza-refugee-shelter/ As a result of which at least 22 people were killed, including 15 women and children, and 80 people were injured of varying severity. Five more miners were victims of an air raid in the Shady refugee camp https://duckduckgo.com/?t=chromentp&q=miners+were+victims+of+an+air+raid+in+the+shady+refugee+camp++&ia=web in the north of the enclave for more than a week, the IDF has been besieging the Jabaliya Camp, where hundreds of thousands of people could die from bombing malnutrition and thirst. At the same time, the only working bakery in the city was destroyed by another Israeli airstrike, and more than 400,000 people were cut off by the Israeli military from food and medical care. Vassily Nebenzi (02:44): This is at a time when the World Food Program is not delivering food to the north of the Gaza Strip, and food distribution points have been closed due to the intensification of hostilities. Unfortunately, this is consistent with the media reports that Israel is implementing a certain general's plan of the IDF on the humanitarian blockade of the North and squeezing the population out of these territories. We really hope that this horrific information will not be confirmed in this context. We join UN Nawa Commissioner General Filippo LA's response to this situation who is called on Israel to show courage and humanity while stressing that the inhabitants of the northern part of the Gaza Strip are faced with a choice to leave their homes or to die of starvation. Vassily Nebenzi (03:33): Madam President, the socioeconomic damage that has been inflicted on the sector over the past year is simply colossal. According to UN estimates, the enclaves GDP has fallen so much that it will take almost 70 years for the economy to recover to pre-crisis levels, and it will take at least 80 years to restore critical infrastructure, and these are calculations based on the situation at the beginning of 2024. While massive destruction continues every day, the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians is extremely important in the current circumstances. But here too, we are witnessing serious problems and restrictions imposed by Israel and the humanitarian workers themselves are regularly subjected to shelling and detention. In total, more than 300 humanitarian workers were killed, which has already characterized 2023 as the deadliest year for humanitarians in history. The UN is sounding the alarm. 2024 has a chance to break all records in terms of the number of deaths in this regard. Vassily Nebenzi (04:40): The Nesst bills banning the activities of un arawa in Israel and revoking the immunities and privileges of its employees do not stand up to criticism. Let me remind you that the agency is the foundation of the humanitarian wing of the UN and Palestine, and has unique capabilities in the provision of social, educational, and medical services. If passed, these laws would not only endanger the lives of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, but also the prospects for helping Palestinian refugees in the neighboring Arab states of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. In addition to the rapidly deteriorating situation in the OPT and the financial crisis, provoked by the refusal of the United States to provide donor support to U-N-R-W-A, this risks finally putting an end to the agency's activities. This seems to be exactly what Israel wants. Despite all this, Washington without regard for the opinion of the international community, is regularly pumping weapons into its Middle Eastern ally while providing it with political cover and blocking any attempts by the Security Council to stop the ruthless Israeli war machine, which is responsible for numerous crimes against the Palestinian people. Vassily Nebenzi (05:59): Madam President, such unilateral impunity for the creation of irreversible facts on the ground are flagrant violations of Israel's obligations as an occupying power under the Geneva Conventions adopted 75 years ago. Ironically, in large part, to protect the Jewish people who suffered inhumanly during World War II and to prevent any future persecution on the basis of nationality, Israel of course has the right to ensure security, but the path to this goal, without any doubt, lies exclusively through a comprehensive process of the Middle East settlement and the correction of historical injustice against Palestine by creating an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the decisions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly. As we have seen time and again, any other unilateral schemes to reconcile Israel with its neighbors without a just solution to the Palestinian question, will not achieve that goal and can only provoke outbreaks of violence such as the one that the region is experiencing. Now. Madam President, we have repeatedly stated that we oppose violence and terrorism in all its manifestations against attacks against civilians in any place and in any country. This also applies to the attack on Israeli civilians on October 7th, 2023, which we immediately unequivocally condemned. There can be no justification for such actions, nor can there be any justification for the collective punishment and total destruction of the civilian population taking place in Gaza. Vassily Nebenzi (07:38): We are convinced that the current catastrophic situation can and should be resolved exclusively by political and diplomatic methods. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the relevant decisions of the Security Council, immediately stop the bloodshed in the region, and most importantly, guarantee the implementation of the legitimate right of the Palestinians to their own state within the 1967 borders. With East Jerusalem as its capital, we need to act immediately. We must compel the parties to the conflict to immediately establish a ceasefire in Gaza, accompanied by the exchange of hostages and prisoners and the organization of full and unhindered humanitarian access to the strip. This will not only make it possible to restart the process of peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue according to the two state solution, which we all invariably support, but will also contribute to the deescalation of tension in the entire Middle East region. Vassily Nebenzi (08:39): Unfortunately, Vassily Nebenzi (08:40): Resolution 27 35 adopted in June at the insistence of our American colleagues cannot ensure a ceasefire because it is tied to the outcome of very dubious talks, which moreover are not even underway. Now, I would like to believe that Washington will finally recognize this obvious fact and will no longer sabotage the Council's new initiatives. We support such initiatives. I would like to remind you that the members of the UN Security Council have the necessary and time-tested tools to solve these problems. We are all well aware of them. All that remains is to find the political will finally abandon narrow selfish geopolitical interests and clearly an unequivocally demand and immediate ceasefire. We see that all members of the Security Council except one are ready to do this. In this regard, we do not understand why all other members of the council should share responsibility for the madness that is going on in Gaza if only one of its members does not allow it to end. Therefore, we would ask all those who will speak after us, not to limit themselves to general appeals to the council, but to personalize their approaches to the state that bears personal responsibility for this. Vassily Nebenzi (10:04): Thank you for your attention.